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Uppsala University - Department of Economics
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child education, school starting age, regression-discontinuity design
educational attainment, non-cognitive skills, cognitive skills, regression discontinuity, class size, earnings
wage inequality, sorting, returns to skills, cognitive skills, noncognitive skills
Unemployment Insurance, Search, Monitoring, Sanctions, Workfare
Unemployment Insurance, Search, Sanctions
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Unemployment insurance, search, sanctions
comparative advantage, job search, matching, employer learning
Treatment Effects, Dynamic Treatment Assignment, Program Evaluation, Method of Matching
class size, social background, heterogenous effects, regression discontinuity
immigrants, welfare use, ethnic concentration, welfare cultures
treatment effects, dynamic treatment assignment, program evaluation, method of matching
Job search, unemployment, unemployment insurance
unemployment insurance, search, monitoring, sanctions, workfare
school starting age, fertility, maternal age, birth outcomes, education, crime
peer effects, ethnic enclaves, immigration, school performance
Unemployment, Advance notice, Job mobility, Job Quality
Advance Notice, job mobility, job quality, unemployment
human capital investment, parental inputs, school inputs, student performance, school starting age
Immigration, labour market outcomes, settlement policies
Enclaves, immigration, labour market outcomes