Gen Goto

University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics


7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-Ku

Tokyo, 113-0033




Rank 22,372


Top 22,372

in Total Papers Downloads




Scholarly Papers (12)


Comparative Corporate Law: Look No Further

Bocconi Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2626021
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 07 Jul 2015
Bocconi University - Department of Law, University of Luxembourg, University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics, Vienna University of Economics and Business - Department for Private Law, Bocconi Law School and Brunel University London
Downloads 1,327 (30,729)



corporate law, comparative law, corporate governance, corporate finance, shares, bonds, board of directors, directors' liability, M&As, takeovers, insider trading, liitgation, arbitration


Diversity of Shareholder Stewardship in Asia: Faux Convergence

53(3) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 829–880 (2020), European Corporate Governance Institute - Law Working Paper No. 485/2019, NUS Law Working Paper No. 2019/027, The University of Tokyo Business Law Working Paper Series No.2019-E-01, NUS Centre for Asian Legal Studies Working Paper 19/08, NUS EW Barker Centre for Law & Business Working Paper 19/05
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 06 Nov 2019 Last Revised: 15 Oct 2020
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University - Yong Pung How School of Law
Downloads 485 (117,872)
Citation 4



shareholder stewardship, stewardship codes, institutional investors, shareholder structure, legal transplants, faux convergence, comparative corporate law, UK stewardship code, Japanese corporate governance, Singapore corporate governance, corporate law in Asia


The Outline for the Companies Act Reform in Japan and Its Implications

Zeitschrift für japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law, vol. 35 (2013)
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 02 Nov 2013
Gen Goto
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 484 (118,149)



Japanese law, corporate governance, independent directors, private placement of shares, squeeze out, liability of parent company, derivative action


The Logic and Limits of Stewardship Codes: The Case of Japan

Berkeley Business Law Journal, Forthcoming, The University of Tokyo Business Law Working Paper Series, No. 2018-E-01
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 18 Jan 2019
Gen Goto
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 469 (122,715)
Citation 6



Japanese Stewardship Code, UK Stewardship Code, Institutional Investors, Corporate Governance


Recent Boardroom Reforms in Japan and the Roles of Outside/Independent Directors

Published in Hiroshi Oda (ed.), Comparative Corporate Governance: The Case of Japan, Journal of Japanese Law, Special Issue 12 (Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2018)
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 19 Nov 2018
Gen Goto
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 391 (151,794)
Citation 3



Japanese corporate governance, independent directors, outside directors


Enterprise Law Conference of 2014: Edited Transcript

Number of pages: 202 Posted: 26 Sep 2014
New York University School of Law, University of California, Berkeley - School of Law, Hitotsubashi University, University of Missouri School of Law, University of California, Berkeley - School of Law, University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics, University of California, Berkeley, Independent, Gakushuin University, University of Tokyo - Faculty of Law, Waseda Business SchoolCESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute), University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagoya University, Graduate School of lawNagoya University, Graduate School of law, Stanford Law School, Independent, Waseda University - Graduate School of Commerce, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research, Harvard Law School, University of Missouri at Columbia, Yale Law School, Waseda University, Independent, Doshisha University, Faculty of Law, Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law, Independent, Independent, Independent, Independent, University of Virginia School of Law, Waseda University - School of Law and University of Tokyo - Faculty of Economics
Downloads 373 (159,853)




Growing Securities Litigation Against Issuers in Japan: Its Background and Reality

Number of pages: 40 Posted: 13 Jan 2016
Gen Goto
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 261 (233,983)



securities litigation, Japan, issuer's liability


Legally 'Strong' Shareholders of Japan

Michigan Journal of Private Equity and Venture Capital Law, Volume 3 Issue 2 (2014)
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 29 Mar 2014 Last Revised: 05 Aug 2014
Gen Goto
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 245 (248,265)



Japanese law, corporate law, shareholder activism, shareholders' rights


ESG, Externalities, and the Limits of the Business Judgment Rule: TEPCO Derivative Suit on Fukushima Nuclear Accident and the Expansion of Caremark

European Corporate Governance Institute - Law Working Paper No. 780
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 01 Jul 2024 Last Revised: 18 Nov 2024
Gen Goto
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 206 (292,792)




Poison Pill: Still Relevant After All These Years

Columbia Law and Economics Working Paper No. 4766870, Northwestern Law & Econ Research Paper Forthcoming
Number of pages: 62 Posted: 15 Apr 2024
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics, Columbia Law School, Gakushuin University, University of Tokyo - Faculty of Law, Nagoya University, Graduate School of lawNagoya University, Graduate School of law, Stanford Law School, Independent, Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law, Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo and Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Law, Department of Business Law
Downloads 179 (332,798)



poison pill; anti-takeover pill; anti-activist pill; Japanese pill; Delaware Pill; shareholder activism; ESG activism; hostile takeover


Faux Convergence in Asian Corporate Governance: Unmasking the Illusion of Anglo-American Transplants

European Corporate Governance Institute - Law Working Paper No. 811/2024
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 18 Nov 2024 Last Revised: 21 Nov 2024
Gen Goto and Dan W. Puchniak
University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics and Singapore Management University - Yong Pung How School of Law
Downloads 94 (555,215)



comparative corporate law and governance, faux convergence, formal convergence, functional divergence, independent director, derivative action, stewardship code


Die japanische LLP im gesellschaftsrechtlichen Kontext (The Japanese LLP in the Context of Company Law)

Journal of Japanese Law (ZJapanR), Vol. 21, No. 41, pp. 89-115, 2016, Max Planck Private Law Research Paper No. 16/18
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 08 Jul 2016
Harald Baum and Gen Goto
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law and University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics
Downloads 57 (717,629)



Introduction of the limited liability partnership (LLP) in Japan, great expectations but limited success of Japanese LLP since 2005, overly restrictive regulation, no availability for most of the independent professions.

Other Papers (1)

Total Downloads: 178

Shareholder Activism and the Role of Independent Directors in Japan

Number of pages: 87 Posted: 06 Feb 2021
Columbia Law School, Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law, Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Law and Politics, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Law, Department of Business Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 178



Japanese corporate governance, hedge fund activism, institutional investors, independent directors