Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
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Gödel, Gödelian design defects, constitutional statements, self-amendment, entrenchment, anti-entrenchment clauses
Vampires, Blood, Black Markets, Legal Failure, Violence
copyright, fan art, fair use, Ronald Coase, reciprocal harms
Bayesian Probability, Carlitos del Valle, Coase Theorem, Failure, Game Theory, Kurt Gödel, Law, Legal Theory, Orlando I. Martinez-Garcia, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Prisoner’s Dilemma, Scholarship, Sydjia Robinson, Teaching, Thomas Schelling, University of Central Florida
Turing Test, Turing litigation game, probabilistic verdicts
Cheating, Chegg, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Illicit Markets
Epstein, Locke, Nozick, Property Rights, Left Libertarianism, Self-Ownership, Takings
Auction, Coase Theorem, Free Riding, Thought Experiment, Second-Order Thought Experiment, Trolley Problem, Veil of Ignorance
Bayes’ theorem, litigation game, random and non-random adjudication, risk-averse and risk-loving moving parties
clones, Coase theorem, time scarcity, Blade Runner
Contracts, Contract Law
Bayes’ Rule, Blue Bus Case, Probabilistic Proof
chance, randomness, coin toss, litigation game, random litigation hypothesis, relative frequency
Coase Theorem, Prisoner’s Dilemma, Bargaining, Threats and Promises, Uncertainty, Exponential Discounting, Elasticity
Abbé Colbert, James Currie, Janet Douglas, Lady Frances, David Hume, Henry Mackenzie, Madame Nicol, Madame Riccoboni, Dugald Stewart
Better Call Saul, illicit agreements, paradox, promises
poker, poker-litigation game, best response, Nash equilibrium, incomplete information, low and high bets, mixed strategy, probabilistic strategy, strategic game, symmetry
Bayesian Probability, Degrees of Belief, Cardinal Voting, Range Voting, Lon Fuller
Coase Theorem, Coasian games, farmer-rancher model, stray cattle, railway sparks, probabilistic payoffs, transaction costs
Research Fraud, Fabrication of Data, Legal Liability
judicial decreptitude, U.S. Supreme Court
business law, ethics, legal environment of business, Tiger King
Anti-Constitutional Moments, Central Europe, Dictatorship, Gödel’s Loophole, Recursive Transfer of Power, Self-Coup.
jury accuracy, juries, range voting, range verdicts, probabilistic verdicts, holdouts, strategic voting, ignorance, incomplete information, diversity prediction theorem
big business, corporations, corruption, CSR, ethics, theory, transaction costs
domestic violence, rent-seeking, strategic behavior
best response, internal-externality, public-private partnership
Bayes’ Rule, Hemingway, Santiago, Subjective Probability, The Old Man and the Sea
Auctions, Federalism, Property Rights, Ronald Coase, Secondary Markets
Bayes' rule, common prior assumption, sender, signals, receiver, truth
Prisoner’s Dilemma, Altruist’s Dilemma, game theory, paradigm, Melvin Dresher, Merrill Flood, John Nash, A.W. Tucker
Legal Interpretation, Best-Choice Secretary Problem
Guaranteed income, negative income tax, universal basic income, Milton Friedman, Rose Friedman, Congress
Bargaining game, Breaking Bad (TV show), negotiation, So Long Sucker (game)
Kant, evidence, thought experiments
Albert O. Hirschman, emotions, enforcement, evasion
models of evasion and compliance
coercion, Milton Friedman, capitalism and freedom
Truel, Endowment Effect, Path Dependence
Disqualification Clause, Donald J. Trump, Due Process of Law, Fourteenth Amendment
adjudication, costly decision-making, infinite regress, research, deliberation, time constraints, Hand formula
Parenthetical Citation, Bibliography
precedent, stare decisis, circular reasoning, Bayesian judging
Hard Cases, Newcomb’s Paradox, Prediction Theory of Law
Altruism, Cooperation, Prisoner's Dilemma, Law, Science
Bayesian voting, degrees of belief, confidence levels, judicial voting, appellate judges
Colonel Blotto, all-pay auction, strategy
costly war of attrition, evolutionarily stable strategies, hawk-dove game
Kurt Gödel, Gödel’s Loophole, Constitutional AI, Mars, Self-Reference, Self-Amendment
Condorcet cycle, Bayesian voting, Puerto Rico
Darwin, Tierra del Fuego
belief contracts, conspiracy theories, fake news, false information, Internet, truth
Cooper v. Aaron, Little Rock Crisis, Necessity
Adam Smith, Das Adam Smith Problem
Adam Smith, Horace Walpole, Paris
Legal Proof, Relative Plausibility, Subjective Probability, Frank Ramsey, Ramsian Verdicts
Frank Ramsey, degrees of belief, subjective probability, quadratic voting, Ramsian voting
Space congestion, orbital debris, tragedy of the commons, legal failure, launch auctions, orbit auctions
Adam Smith, Paris, moral philosophy, political economy
Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Invisible Hand
Balliol College, Conspiracy, David Hume, Adam Smith
Hadley v. Baxendale, Sherwood v. Walker, mistake, probability, remedies
Truth, Games
law, liberalism, ordered-liberty, paradox, reciprocal harms, Ronald Coase
Bayesian Voting, Bitcoin, South Dakota v. Wayfair, Stare Decisis
degrees of belief, litigation, subjective probability, Thomas Bayes, Cheryl Misak, Frank Ramsey
contracts, markets, morality, boilerplate
Ronald Coase, Vito Corleone, The Godfather, harm principle
Adam Smith, Impartial Spectator, Justice, Liberty, Rule of Law
David Hume, Social Contract, Arms Races
Citizenship, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, 1898
Adam Smith, Paris, Enlightenment, Physiocrats, Duke of Buccleuch, Charles Townshend, Theory of Moral Sentiments
Conspiracy Theories, Kurt Gödel, Retrodiction Market
Ronald Coase, legal narratives, reciprocal harms
Business law, ethics, legal environment
intentional torts, fraudulent misrepresentation, research fraud
cheating, ChatGPT, GPT-3