Via Inama 5
Trento, Trento 38122
University of Trento - Faculty of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
Contract law, Regulation, Comparative Law
energy markets, liberalization, economic analysis of contracts, comparative anaysis of American and European regulatory systems
residential energy markets, competition, regulation of consumer contracts
Incomplete contracts, law and economics, comparative law, default rules
Comparative Law and Economics, Energy markets, regulation, Methodology, Behavioral Law and Economics
Decarbonisation; Coal Phase-Out; European Union; Legal Pathways; Low-Carbon Transition
Smart Grids, comparative law, diagnostic approach, institutional complementarity, regulatory frames, standardization, privacy models
Climate change, Technological innovation, Regulation, Renewable energy, Green Building
European Contract Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference, Regulation of Energy Markets
Comparative Law, Energy Law, Methodological Issues
Energy Infrastructures, climate change, regulatory anticommons, law and economics, comparative law
Comparative Law, quality of regulation, institutional indicators, regulatory decision-making, electricity transmission planning
Law and Development; Comparative Law; Sustainable Development Goals
Renewable energy, retrospective cuts to support schemes, feed-in tariffs, Italy, regulatory stability, credible commitments
Renewable Energy; EU State Aid Law; International Investment Law; Climate Law; Polycentric Governance
comparative law, legal diagnostics, policymaking processes, Elinor Ostrom, Oren Young, Dani Rodrik, European contract law
Comparative Law, Contextual Analysis, Technical Standards, Contract Law
Energy governance, Transnational regimes, Comparative law, Biofuels, International investment law
Comparative Law
Comparative Law and Economics; Interdisciplinarity; Methodological Pluralism
Comparative law, moral costs, calabresi, law and economics