Volodymyr Tulin

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

700 19th Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20431

United States









Scholarly Papers (12)


India: Defining and Explaining Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction

IMF Working Paper No. 14/63
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 15 May 2014
Rahul Anand, Volodymyr Tulin and Naresh Kumar
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and UC Santa Cruz
Downloads 400 (143,889)



Economic growth, India, Income distribution, Poverty reduction, state level growth, inequality, inclusive growth, consumption growth, social mobility, social spending, gini, dependent variable, decline in poverty, welfare distribution, gini coefficient, per capita consumption, national poverty line, reducing poverty, consumption expenditure, poverty headcount ratio, social services, inequality decomposition, social welfare, rate of poverty reduction, specific poverty line, household consumption expenditure, gini index, labor market, welfare function, average welfare, pro-poor, changes in poverty, distribution of income, income equality, consumption distribution, per capita expenditure, urban


Food Inflation in India: The Role for Monetary Policy

IMF Working Paper No. 14/178
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 04 Nov 2014
Rahul Anand, Ding Ding and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 263 (224,970)



Food prices, India, Inflation, Monetary policy, Econometric models, forecasting, food inflation, India., monetary fund, inflation dynamics, real interest rate, aggregate demand, monetary transmission, price inflation, inflation equation, inflation rate, high inflation, monetary transmission mechanism, nominal interest rate, central bank, rational expectations, inflationary pressures, financial stability, monetary policy rule, monetary economics, price stability, inflation objective, inflation data, inflation rates, measure of inflation, liquidity management, inflation target, inflation process, monetary stance, nominal interest rates, monetary policy rules, monetary management, rise in infla


Globalization, Gluts, Innovation or Irrationality: What Explains the Easy Financing of the U.S. Current Account Deficit?

IMF Working Paper No. 07/160
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 23 Aug 2007
Ravi Balakrishnan, Tamim Bayoumi and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 199 (293,502)



Working Paper, Current account, United States, External debt, Deficit financing, Financial instruments, Globalization, Savings, Economic models


U.S. Dollar Risk Premiums and Capital Flows

IMF Working Paper No. 06/160
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 26 Jul 2006
Ravi Balakrishnan and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 148 (379,670)



U.S. Dollar, Risk Premiums, Capital Flows


Wage Growth and Inflation in Europe: A Puzzle?

IMF Working Paper No. 19/280
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 06 Feb 2020
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 104 (496,351)



Unit labor cost, Employment, Real wages, Public sector wages, Economic conditions, Wages, inflation, passthrough, Europe, WP, wage growth, inflation expectation, core inflation, NMS


Understanding India's Food Inflation: The Role of Demand and Supply Factors

IMF Working Paper No. 16/2
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 17 Feb 2016
Rahul Anand, Naresh Kumar and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF), UC Santa Cruz and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 89 (549,818)
Citation 2



food inflation, cereal buffer stocks, food, cereals, rice, wheat, food supply, Forecasting and Simulation, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects), Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Development

Crowding-Out or Crowding-In? Public and Private Investment in India

IMF Working Paper No. 15/264
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 17 Feb 2016
Girish Bahal, Mehdi Raissi and Volodymyr Tulin
University of Western Australia, International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 87 (563,653)
Citation 4



Public investment, Private investment, Crowding in, Crowding out, Permanent shocks, Structural identification, Vector error correction models, investment, capital, investment activity, General, Time-Series Models, Infrastructures,

Crowding-Out or Crowding-in? Public and Private Investment in India

World Development, Vol. 109, 2018
Posted: 15 Oct 2022
Girish Bahal, Mehdi Raissi and Volodymyr Tulin
University of Western Australia, International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF)



India, Public and private investment, Crowding in (out)


Estimating Sri Lanka's Potential Output

IMF Working Paper No. 14/40
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 10 Apr 2014
Ding Ding, John Nelmes, Roshan Anne Perera and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 53 (721,375)



Economic growth, Sri Lanka, Production, Business cycles, Economic models, Potential Output, Output Gap, Multivariate Filter, Inflation Expectations, Capacity Utilization, Unemployment, unemployment rate, equilibrium unemployment, equilibrium unemployment rate, nairu, inflation rate, recession, inflation objective, price level, inflation equation, aggregate demand, rate of inflation, lower inflation, inflation targeting, macroeconomic stability, rising inflation, non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, increase in inflation


How Expensive is Norway? New International Relative Price Measures

IMF Working Paper No. 10/133
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 21 Jun 2010
Volodymyr Tulin and Kornélia Krajnyák
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 53 (721,375)



Consumer price indexes, Cost of living, Norway, Price structures, Prices, Real effective exchange rates


Disentangling India's Investment Slowdown

IMF Working Paper No. 14/47
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 10 Apr 2014
Rahul Anand and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 51 (733,830)



Investment, India, Interest rates, Economic policy, Economic models, Investments, Policy Uncertainty., inflation, real interest rate, real interest rates, monetary policy, monetary fund, nominal interest rate, relative prices, nominal interest rates, money market interest rates, real rates, inflation rate, coefficient on inflation


Price and Income Elasticity of Indian Exports—The Role of Supply-Side Bottlenecks

IMF Working Paper No. 15/161
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Mehdi Raissi and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 49 (746,348)
Citation 1



export demand, income and price elasticity, energy shortages, demand, supply, supply-side, price elasticity, income elasticity, Models with Panel Data, Country and Industry Studies of Trade,


Financial Frictions, Underinvestment, and Investment Composition: Evidence from Indian Corporates

IMF Working Paper No. 17/134
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 09 Aug 2017
Sonali Das and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 44 (779,637)



Asia and Pacific, India, Investment, Corporate Leverage, Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy