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Varna University of Management (VUM)
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Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Service Automation, Self-Service Technology, Tourism, Cost-Benefit Analysis
Robots, Service Automation, Technology Adoption, Tourism, Hospitality
revenue management, yield management, hotel management, pricing, overbooking, channel management
e-commerce, internet, hotel, reservation system, website design, hotel marketing, tour operator, booking
Tourism, Business Model, Bulgaria, Creative Tourism, Cultural Tourism
hotels, revenue management, yield management, overbooking, pricing, ethics
Robots, Robonomics, Robotisation, Robot-Based Economy, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0, Workless Society, Technological Unemployment
ecotourism, mass ecotourism, eco mass tourism, mass tourism, Bulgaria, sustainability
Honduras, Political Instability, Tourism, Hospitality
disaster, trauma, death, society, tourism
tourism, economic growth, growth decomposition methodology, globalisation
hotel, management, overbookings, walking guests, tourism
robots, design of hospitality facilities, competitive advantage, robot-inclusive environment
artificial intelligence, robotics, tourism, hospitality, ethics, research agenda
automation, tourism jobs, hospitality jobs, employee skills
robots, artificial intelligence, service automation, self-service technology, chatbots, travel, tourism, hospitality, transformation
Cultural entrepreneurship, cultural industries, creative industries, arts, literature review
future of work, robots, artificial intelligence, economics
quality, management, travel agents, competitive advantage
tourism, economic growth, economic impacts of tourism, Cyprus, Greece, Spain
robots, artificial intelligence, consumer behaviour, disruptive technology
ego tourism, needs, travel motives, Maslow, alternative tourism
tourism, Bulgaria, economic costs, economic benefits, economic impacts, statistics
tourism, peace, Ireland, Korea, Cyprus
Ukraine, political instability, crisis, hotel, travel agency
destination competitiveness, World Economic Forum, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index, globalisation
tourism management, tourism planning, tourist organizations, tourist authorities, Bulgaria
communism, heritage, tourism, Bulgaria, museum, tourist resources, segmentation
sport tourism, local development, sport events, economic impacts, social impacts, environmental impacts
educational tourism, Eastern Europe, qualitative research, motivation
economic growth, tourism, economic impact, GDP, economic growth decomposition, tourism impact on economic growth
robots, pets, toys, experience economy, non-human travellers
cannibalization, image, product, tourism, marketing strategy
leadership, organizational culture, employee engagement, chaos and complexity, Emotional Intelligence, Bulgaria
Robonomics, Automation, Artificial intelligence, Robots, Economics, Politics
sustainable tourism; sustainable tourism practices; hotels; Bulgaria; certification; sustainability dimensions
tourism, microchip implant, RFID, privacy, Europe
Robotics, Robonomics, Robot Design, Robot Adoption, Servicescape, rService, Human-Robot Interaction, Research Agenda
hotel, management, overbooking, yield management, revenue management
destination marketing, travel / tourism fairs, national tourism organization, effectiveness, promotion
hotel marketing, hotel chains, revenue management, yield management, marketing mix, consumer behaviour, segmentation, positioning, quality management, marketing communications
Tourism, Future, Development, Management Paradigms, Economic Significance of Tourism
revenue management, yield management, price discrimination, pricing, hotel
tourism, tourism policy, political economy, political regimes, national tourism organisations
change, change management, change manager, approaches to change, higher education, Bulgaria
economic growth, system of national accounts, gross value added, gross national product, welfare effect, Bulgaria
online hotel reservation systems, marketing decisions
robots, tourism, hospitality, travel, hotels, restaurants, willingness to pay, perceived appropriateness
teaching, entrepreneurship, tourism, hospitality, curriculum, undergraduate programme
destination marketing, branding, brand molecule, concept maps, associations, Las Vegas
chatbot, social media, communications with authors, academic journal
online hotel ratings, ski resort,, TripAdvisor, Bulgaria
overbooking, hotel, upgrade constraints, downgrade constraints, expected marginal revenue
tourist resources, Bulgaria
Bulgaria, destination marketing, concept maps, perceptions, destination brand molecule, tourism, image
tourism, promotion, Czech republic, Slovakia, Croatia, destination marketing
robots, automation, education, massive online courses
Destination Marketing, Political Challenges, SWOT Analysis, North Cyprus
economic impacts of tourism, social impacts of tourism, environmental impacts of tourism, Bulgaria
economic impacts of tourism, leakage of national income, Bulgaria
robots, competitiveness, productivity, willingness to pay, production factors
politics, political ideologies, tourism, tourism policy
Strategic role of gastronomy, tourist motivations and types, resource-based view, emergent strategy, positioning strategy, destination marketing
national tourism organization, marketing, tourism, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia
tourism, future of tourism, USA, globalisation, BRICs, PINEs
hotel chains, market penetration, market share, choice of market, national culture, cultural dimensions
graduation project, dissertation, enterprise project, tailored applied research, undergraduate students, Bulgaria
hotel chain, resource-based view, stakeholder theory, value chain, integrated model of hotel chain, competitive advantage
hotel chain, resource-based view, stakeholder network theory, value chain, integrated model of a hotel chain
munch, events, BDSM, diversity, fetish, kink, bondage
service robots, tourism, perceived appropriateness, intention to use, robonomics
tourism and economic growth, growth decomposition methodology, destination competitiveness, World Economic Forum, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index
change, change management, management schools, higher education, Bulgaria
hotel chains, type of affiliation, individual hotels’ perspective, Bulgaria
non-observed economy, hidden economy, tourism, Bulgaria
economic impacts of tourism, Tourism Satellite Account, Bulgaria
Smart Tourism, Slow Tourism, Dark Sites, Trunyan Cemetery, Bali
economic impacts of tourism, jobs, incomes, I/O matrices, Bulgaria, tourism multiplier
destination competitiveness, new product development, Danube region, tourism
robots, public opinion, hospitality, tourism, human robot interaction
National Tourism Organization, State Policy, Capitalist Models
mass tourism, Bulgaria, tourism impacts
hotel chains, Bulgaria, entry mode, resource-based view, agency theory, eclectic theory, transaction costs approach, syncretic theory
family tourism, destination management, Bulgaria
graduation project, enterprise project, tourism, hospitality, education, Bulgaria
Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Hotels, Hospitality, Attitudes, Iran
Customisation, standardisation, willingness-to-pay, customer experience, hotels, hospitality product
academic journal, visibility, marketing, European Journal of Tourism Research
distribution channels, guest houses, Bulgaria, rural tourism
automation fear, workplace automation, robots, solutions to automation fears, future of work
tourism and output per capita, Malaysia, trade openness, financial development, tourism-led growth hypothesis
overtourism, revenue management, destination management
economic impacts of tourism, economic growth, tourism, Bulgaria
Tourism, Italian accommodation, European Ecolabel, Cost Benefit Analysis
Robots, Hospitality, Attitudes, Russia, Hotel Industry
political ideologies, business costs of terrorism, national security, tourism management, visa requirements
hotel chain, entry mode, type of affiliation, franchise, management contract, Bulgaria
foreign policy, embassy location, Bulgaria, Romania
distribution channel conflicts, accommodation establishments, travel agencies, bargaining power, conflict resolution, Bulgaria
Overtourism, Authenticity, Tourismphobia, Empowerment, Visitors, Locals
Robots, Supply-Side Perspective, Managers’ Perceptions, Automation of Tasks, Impacts of Service Robots, Hotel Industry, Bulgaria
tourism impacts, secondary costs, missed benefits, Bulgaria
hotel chain model, resource-based view, value chain, stakeholders, competitive advantage
Refugee Crisis, Refugees, Migrants, Hotel Industry, Greece
hotel revenue management, yield management, Turkey, revenue management tools, revenue management system, revenue management process, forecasting, revenue management team
transnational corporations, globalisation, hotel chains, tourism impacts
hotel selection, competitors, expected service, hospitality
Destination Branding, Tourism Discourse, Promotion, Persuasion, Interactional Metadiscourse, Transcreation
tourism, future of tourism, USA, resource depletion, globalisation
European Journal of Tourism Research, anniversary, editorial
political instability, crisis, crisis management, Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, hotel industry
Tourism, Future, Political Economy, Liberalism, Mercantilism, Social Democracy, Communism
artificial intelligence, AI-to-AI marketing, marketing, research agenda
tourism/hospitality education, live projects, project management, Dobrudzha, Bulgaria
Hotel, Overbooking, Revenue Management, Yield Management, Capacity Management
hedonic pricing, dynamic pricing, rate parity, hotel, last minute offers, revenue management, yield management, pricing strategies, Kiev, Ukraine, online travel agencies (OTAs)
national tourism organisations, political ideologies, liberalism, communism, social democracy, mercantilism
Milan Expo, seasonality, event management, mega event, reconfiguration strategy
robots, robonomics, robotisation, robot-based economy, artificial intelligence, automation, Industry 10.0, Tourism 10.0, Society 10.0, workless society, technological unemployment
communist heritage, socialist heritage, Bulgaria, willingness to pay, willingness to donate
tourism, communist heritage, socialist heritage, monuments, Varna, Berlin
communism, communist heritage, communist heritage tourism, Bulgaria
change, change management, higher education, Bulgaria
service robots, tourism, perceived appropriateness, service automation, robonomics
Russia, sanctions, politics, impacts on tourism, hotels, political instability
COVID-19; travel behaviour; travel motivations; post-viral tourism; Bulgaria
hotel chain, destination competitiveness, macroenvironment, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index, Corruption Perception Index
hotel chains; partner selection; task-related criteria; partner-related criteria; entry mode; Bulgaria
Tourism research, Online survey, Survey methodology, Virtual communities, Response rate
Economic Cannibalisation, Product Line Competition, Resource Utilisation
hotel chains, market presence, locational factors, market entry, macroenvironmental factors, country-specific factors
hotel chains, chain affiliation, cost-benefit analysis
Robots, Attitudes toward robots, Acceptance of robotic technologies, Food, Beverage
Impact, Spending, Repeater Tourist, First-Time Tourist, Principal Component Analysis
demography, service automation, robots, artificial intelligence, population decline
artificial intelligence, marketing, AI-to-AI marketing
determinants, tourist expenditures, Minas Gerais, regression, OLS Method
Hotel Groups, Hotel Chains, Location of Headquarters, Hotels 325
Multiple case study, Service robots, Online reviews, Thematic content analysis, Restaurant experience, Robotic restaurant
Nationalism, Destination Marketing, Balkan Tourism, Balkan Nationalism, Destination Websites
Crimea, Russia, secession, sanctions, politics, impacts on tourism, travel agencies, hotels
hotel chains, Bulgaria, hotel’s perspective, hotel brand, modal choice, type of affiliation
Embassies, power, EU, NATO, econometrics, integration, Bulgaria, Romania
hotel chains, independent hotels, franchise, management contract, lease, marketing consortium, join venture, ownership
technology adoption, automation, card reader, hotels, Bulgaria
marketing, recreation, marketing mix, marketing process, tourism, leisure
Community resilience, Restaurant industry, Safety, Service robot
New Normal, role of technology, (post-)viral tourism, travel behaviour, COVID-19
robots, attitudes towards robots, acceptance of robotic technologies, museums, art galleries