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Cambridge, MA 02138
Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
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in Total Papers Citations
Executive turnover, venture capital, financial intermediation, entrepreneurship
knowledge diffusion, patents, innovation, science, technology transfer
non-compete agreements, labor mobility, technology policy, inventor migration, regional economics, patents
Black Founders, Minority Founders, Angel Financing, Patents, Venture Funding, IPOs, Acquisition, Image-processing
Technology commercialization strategy; disruptive innovation
entrepreneurship, gender, non-competes
technology commercialization, entrepreneurship, technology transfer
Knowledge Spillovers, Borders, Distance, Economic Geography, Patent Citation, Innovation
Scientific Diffusion, Patent-To-Paper Citations, Knowledge Flow
intellectual property, trade secrets, non-competes, knowledge workers
Skilled workers, Engineering, STEM, human capital.
comobility, wage gains, complementarities, labor mobility
Entrepreneurship, Venture capital, Social movements, Race, George Floyd, Image Classification
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Gatekeepers, Boundary spanning, Knowledge spillovers, Clusters, Creativity, Managers, Intermediaries, Social networks, High technology industries, Engineers, Scientists, Inventors, Inventions, Silicon Valley