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Hamburg, 20354
University of Hamburg
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ambition gap, climate policy, European Union, Germany, implementation gap
autonomy, climate protection, control aversion, experiment, default, nudge, public good, reactance
Meat, food, health, climate, animal welfare, sustainability, field experiment
meat consumption, meat tax, carbon pricing, pigouvian tax, tax reform, animal welfare, referendum, choice experiment
Redispatch, Inc-Dec-Gaming, Arbitrage, Congestion, Electricity
climate protection, default, experiment, motivation crowding, nudge, public good
moral bias, voting, multi-wave field experiment, information avoidance
Instrument Choice, Motivation Crowding, Externalities
climate action; cap-and-trade; advice; information provision; complexity aversion; reactance; field experiment
climate action, cap-and-trade, advice, information provision, complexity aversion, reactance, field experiment
climate, electricity, sector coupling, emissions trading, renewables, electric devices, electric mobility, general equilibrium, sectoral leakage
Motivation crowding, Prices vs. Quantities, Climate policy, Diet choices, Field experiment
overlapping policy, internal carbon leakage, waterbed effect, cap-and-trade, carbon pricing, hybrid regulation
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cap-and-trade, EU ETS, Market stability, Speculation
Energy policyClimate policyGreenhouse gas emissionsCap-and-trade, Energy efficiency, Carbon leakage, Rebound effect, Backfire effect, General equilibrium
climate policy, policy instruments, qualitative methods, semi-structured expert interviews, qualitative content analysis
Price Discrimination, Emission Standards, Tradable, Permits, Technology Diffusion
collective action, social movement, protest, environment, climate action, strategic interaction, experiment, causal mediation, instrumental variable regression
Voting, multi-wave field experiment, information selection, information processing
climate policy, cap-and-trade, coal phase-out, information provision, motivated reasoning, field experiment
energy policy, climate policy, greenhouse gas emissions, cap-and-trade, energy efficiency, carbon leakage, rebound effect, backfire effect, general equilibrium
Cap-and-trade, Overlapping instruments, Leakage, Renewable energy, Climate policy, Feed-in tariff, General equilibrium
Cap-And-Trade, Overlapping Instruments, Leakage, Renewable Energy, Climate Policy, Feed-In Tariff, General Equilibrium