875 Summit Ave
St. Paul, MN 55105-3076
United States
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
First Amendment, Broadcasting, Mass Media Effects, Direct Effects, Hypodermic Needle Model, Uses and Gratifications, Content Regulation, Pacifica, Tornillo, Red Lion
Constitution, constitutional law, economic regulation, interstate commerce, commerce clause, dormant commerce clause, negative commerce clause, discrimination, discriminatory effects, zoning, land use, local needs, urban sprawl, big box, growth management, chain stores, environmental, C & A Carbone
dormant commerce clause, interstate commerce, federalism, judicial behavior, free markets, tax injunction act, empirical, courts
subprime, strict liability, foreclosure, mortgage, TARP, bailout, real estate, property, discrimination
Hood, Jackson, Dormant, Interstate, Federalism, Market, Commerce, Laissez Faire, New Deal, Rehnquist
Radke, negligence, duty, official duties, common law torts, Minnesota law, public officials, common law cause of action, statutory cause of action
administrative law, environmental law, deference to agencies, Carlota Copper, point source permits, Clean Water Act, CWA, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, NPDES, water pollution, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, water quality