Box 513
Uppsala, 751 20
Uppsala University
in Total Papers Citations
Low-Wage Subsidies, Employment, Social Security Contributions
low-wage subsidies, employment, social security contributions
H24, J23, J68
displaced workers, permanent job-loss, reemployment, matched employer-employee data, Norway
incapacitation, school admission, education, crime, human capital
juvenile crime, punishments, rehabilitation, recidivism, earnings, employment
plant closures, downsizing, regional mobility, earnings, family ties
plant closure, employment, earnings, divorce, fertility
international comparison, area-level socioeconomic status, racial disparity, life expectancy
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offshoring, import competition, employment, earnings
job displacement, mortality, spillovers, added worker, public insurance, gender roles
home care allowance, employment, child development, schooling
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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family, education, gender