Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
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annuities, economic growth, endogenous longevity, healthcare expenditures, healthcare technology, moral hazard, pension systems, welfare analysis
basic research, openness, distance to frontier, economic growth
climate change, discounting, infinitely-lived agents, intergenerational equity, overlapping generations, time preference
climate change, discounting, infinitely lived agents, intergenerational equity, overlapping generations, time preference
D72, H20, H40, O31, O38.
lying aversion, experiment, political economy, voting, contest, primaries, campaigns, cheap talk, elections, candidates, self-selection
Basic Research, Openness, Economic Growth
Legislative Lobbying, Vote Buying, Legislatures, Interest Groups, Political Economy
basic research, public goods, economic growth, coordination of governments
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basic research, coordination of governments, economic growth, public goods
Legislative Lobbying, Vote Buying, Legislatures, Political Economy
creative destruction, distance to frontier, dual economy, growth, inequality, infant industry protection, non-homothetic preferences, trade openness
Artificial Intelligence, Economic Growth, Endogenous Technological Change, Industrial Revolution, Robot Tax, Universal Basic Income
political contracts, elections, government formation, tax promise
elections, government formation, political contracts, tax promise
family decision-making, youth, human capital, bargaining
Knowledge, Human Capital, Knowledge Codification, Economic Growth
Dynamic Game, Endogenous Growth, Intellectual Property Rights, Trade
Basic Research, Economic Growth, Growth Policy
coalition formation, political contracts, elections, government formation
coalition formation, elections, government formation., political contracts
experimental political economy, multi-battlefield contests, Colonel Blotto, vote-buying, legislative lobbying
applied research, basic research, distance to frontier, openness
contract theory, government formation, voting
basic research, economic growth, growth policy