Martina Lawless

Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department

Dame Street

P.O. Box 559

Dublin 2






Rank 11,863


Top 11,863

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (8)

Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms

National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 182
Number of pages: 60 Posted: 28 Sep 2010
Czech National Bank (CNB), National Bank of Belgium, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 111 (510,236)
Citation 14



downward nominal wage rigidity, downward real wage rigidity, wage indexation, survey data, European Union

Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5159
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
Czech National Bank (CNB), affiliation not provided to SSRN, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 82 (625,648)



Labor Policies, Environmental Economics & Policies, Labor Markets, Income, Markets and Market Access

Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms

Bank of Greece Working Paper No. 110
Number of pages: 62 Posted: 21 Jul 2022
Bank of Greece, Czech National Bank (CNB), National Bank of Belgium, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, University of Girona and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 21 (1,086,175)



downward nominal wage rigidity, downward real wage rigidity, wage indexation, survey data, European Union

Why Firms Avoid Cutting Wages: Survey Evidence from European Firms

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 6976
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
National Bank of Belgium, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 114 (499,974)
Citation 1



Labor Management and Relations, Labor Markets, Rural Labor Markets

Why Firms Avoid Cutting Wages: Survey Evidence from European Firms

National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 251
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 21 Dec 2013
National Bank of Belgium, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 42 (869,777)
Citation 13



labour costs, wage rigidity, firm survey, wage cuts, European Union

Why Firms Avoid Cutting Wages: Survey Evidence from European Firms

Bank of Greece Working Paper No. 173
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 11 Aug 2022
Bank of Greece, National Bank of Belgium, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, University of Girona and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 25 (1,037,431)



labour costs, wage rigidity, firm survey, wage cuts, European Union


Understanding the Dynamics of Labor Shares and Inflation

ECB Working Paper No. 784
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 26 Jul 2007
Martina Lawless and Karl Whelan
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department and Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department
Downloads 116 (490,432)
Citation 8



Labor Share, Phillips Curve, Sectoral Data

The Margins of Labour Cost Adjustment: Survey Evidence from European Firms

National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 183
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 28 Sep 2010
Czech National Bank (CNB), National Bank of Belgium, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 74 (663,450)
Citation 15



labour costs, wage rigidity, firm survey, European Union

The Margins of Labour Cost Adjustment: Survey Evidence from European Firms

Bank of Greece Working Paper No. 108
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 21 Jul 2022
Bank of Greece, Czech National Bank (CNB), National Bank of Belgium, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, University of Girona and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 21 (1,086,175)



labour costs, wage rigidity, firm survey, European Union


Wage Setting and Wage Flexibility in Ireland: Results from a Firm-Level Survey

ECB Working Paper No. 1181
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 26 Apr 2010
Mary Keeney and Martina Lawless
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland and Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department
Downloads 82 (617,261)



Wage Negotiations, Survey, Ireland


The Margins of Labor Cost Adjustment: Survey Evidence from European Firms

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5160
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
Czech National Bank (CNB), affiliation not provided to SSRN, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 77 (639,219)
Citation 1



Labor Markets, Labor Policies, Environmental Economics & Policies, Microfinance, Economic Theory & Research


Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms

ECB Working Paper No. 1105
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 14 Nov 2009
Czech National Bank (CNB), National Bank of Belgium, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 67 (687,658)
Citation 16



downward nominal wage rigidity, downward real wage rigidity, wage indexation, survey data, European Union


The Margins of Labour Cost Adjustment: Survey Evidence from European Firms

ECB Working Paper No. 1106
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 14 Nov 2009
Czech National Bank (CNB), National Bank of Belgium, Bank of Greece, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland - Economic Analysis and Research Department, World Bank and Bank of Estonia
Downloads 44 (832,637)



labour costs, wage rigidity, firm survey, European Union