Rämistrasse 71
Zürich, CH-8006
University of Zurich
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Trust, causality, equilibrium selection, belief distortions, incomplete contracts, screening, institutions
Trust, contract enforcement, complementarity, equilibrium selection, causal effect, screening, belief distortions, institutions
trust, causality, equilibrium selection, belief distortions, incomplete contracts, screening, institutions
Surveys, ordinal data, response times, non-parametric identification
surveys, ordinal data, response times, non-parametric, identification
Nudge, framing, behavioral welfare economics, revealed preference
nudge, framing, behavioral welfare economics
Mechanism Design, Psychological Games, Social Preferences, Reciprocity
second-price auction, spitefulness, mechanism design, experimental auctions
Robust mechanism design, spiteful preferences, experimental auctions
Revealed preference, random utility models, response times
random utility models, revealed preference, response times
endogenous preferences, probability distortions, misspecified learning
second-price auction, spite, overbidding, lab experiments, external validity
Performance evaluation, delegation, optimality of contests
Learning in games, stochastic stability, radius-coradius theorems, logit-response dynamics, mutations, imitation
contest design, optimal contests, tournaments
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Gift Giving, Moral Hazard, Psychological Games, Reciprocity