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International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Working Paper, Globalization, Europe, Income distribution, National income accounts
Inflation targeting, South Africa, Inflation, Energy prices, Exchange rate instability, Demand
Financial and Monetary Sector, Central bank independence, Nominal effective exchange rate, Monetary policy instruments, Exchange rate policy, Monetary Policy, Emerging markets, Exchange rate channel, Inflation targeting, Financial structure, WP, financial development, monetary policy framework, policy framework, Taylor rule, projection method
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Central banks, Exchange rate policy, Central bank policy, Exchange markets, Central banking and monetary issues, emerging markets, monetary and exchange rate policies, inflation targeting, foreign exchange intervention, capital flows, WP, EME, inflation target, policy instrument, exchange rate, targeter
European Central Bank, Monetary policy, Central bank policy, Economic models, Asset prices, Consumer prices, Financial sector, Money
Central bank policy, Deflation, Economic models, European Monetary System, European Union, Financial crisis, Inflation, Liquidity controls, Monetary policy, Monetary transmission mechanism
Excess liquidity, Europe, Euro Area, United States, Japan, Monetary policy, Interest rates, Inflation