Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh, EH8 9YL
United Kingdom
University of Edinburgh - School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
Law of succession, Scotland, testamentary freedom, family protection, forced heirship, disinheritance, legal history
Law, Scots law, ownership of body parts, sperm, Holdich, Yearworth, division of things, donation, abandonment of property, occupatio, specificatio
Principles of European Trust Law, Draft Directive on Protective Funds, Patrimony, George Gretton, Kenneth Reid, David Hayton, Scotland, Japan
Legal history, Scottish law, eighteenth century, institutional writer, John Erskine, Edinburgh University
succession law, intestacy, surviving spouse, matrimonial property, cohabitants, law reform, comparative law, Scotland
Land registration, law, title by registration, Scotland, immediate indefeasibility, deferred indefeasibility, Torrens system, bijuralism, law reform
Land registration, law, legal history, registration of deeds, registration of title, Scotland
Chinese Law, Trust, Chinese Trust, Civil Law Trust, Beneficiary’s Right, Trust Creditors, Patrimony
Land registration, law, Torrens system, immediate indefeasibility, deferred indefeasibility, Scotland, New Zealand, law reform
Law, Scotland, immovable property, transfer of ownership, land registration
Land registration; title by registration; Scotland; law reform
Law, land reform, Scotland, who owns Scotland?, land registration, beneficial interest, politics, Callaghan Government