The Jerusalem College of Technology
The Carmel Academic Center
in Total Papers Citations
honesty, cognitive ability, soldiers, high non-monetary stakes
Tipping, Service Industry, Behavioral Economics, Social Norms, Service Quality, Optimal Control
Cultural Transmission, Religion, Fertility, Secularization, ISSP
cultural transmission, religion, fertility, secularization, ISSP
public goods experiment, end-game effect, free-riding
intellectual achievement, cheating behavior, experimental data
Terror, House Prices, Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
higher education, human capital formation, income inequality, socioeconomic background, subsidies
experimental methods, honesty, personnel selection, soldiers, high non-monetary stakes, regression discontinuity design
honesty, religion, behavioral codes, ethical values
Gender, Beauty, Dishonesty, Lab-in-the-field Experiment
experimental economics, honesty, temporal distance, soldiers
kindergarten children, dishonest behavior, flip coin task, psychological counseling
differential games, experiment, public goods, voluntary provision
social involvement, income level, immigration, gender differences
gender effect, holy day effect, honesty, religiosity
CPA, friendship, gender salary gap, wage determination
experiment, Nash equilibrium, public goods, voluntary provision