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Washington, DC 20431
United States
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - African Department
Bank supervision, Disinflation, Dollarization, Economic stabilization, Exchange rate variability, Monetary policy
Cross country analysis, Currency boards, Currency pegs, Data collection, Data quality assessment framework, Exchange rate developments, Exchange rates, Floating exchange rates, Foreign exchange, Fund role, Publications, Transparency
Exchange rate policy, Monetary unions, Currency boards, Monetary policy
Reserves, Central banking, Interest rates, Monetary policy, Central banking, operational frameworks, autonomous factors
Monetary policy, quantitative easing, central bank remittances, forward guidance
Dollarization, Europe, Financial stability, Albania, Central banks and their policies, euroization, and reserve requirement, reserve requirement
Central banks, Central bank operations, Monetary policy operational framework, Central bank policy, Bank rates, Fixed exchange rate regime, price-specie flow mechanism, uncovered interest rate parity, offset coefficients, monetary operations, autonomous factors, money and foreign exchange markets, bank reserve, NFA, HKMA, fixed exchange rate, counterparties
Bank rates, Market interest rates, Central bank operations, Central bank policy, Open market operations, central banking, operational frameworks, autonomous factors, forecasting, evaluation., WP, forecast error, maintenance period, excess reserve, Eurosystem, AFF
Reserve demand, scenario analysis, short-term interest rate, sigmoid
Monetary policy, Europe, Albania, interest rate lower bound, euroization, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects), Albania
operational efficiency, stochastic frontier analysis, operating independence, trade, financial depth, efficiency level, central bank efficiency, cost efficiency, efficiency estimate, operation function, Central bank mandate, Central bank autonomy, Price stabilization, Income, Emerging and frontier financial markets