M. Sadiq Sohail

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)

Dhahran, 31261

Saudi Arabia



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Scholarly Papers (69)


Mobile Banking Adoption: Application of Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 379-391, 2012
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 14 Nov 2014
Ibrahim Al-Jabri and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 12,270 (772)
Citation 2



Mobile Banking, IT Adoption, IT Satisfaction, Diffusion Innovation Theory, Saudi Arabia


Malaysian Consumer’s Credit Card Usage Behavior

Ahmed, Z U, Ismail, I., Sohail, Sadiq M, Tabsh, I, and Alias, H (2010). “Malaysian consumers' credit card usage behavior” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 528-544.
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
Academy for Global Business Advancement, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) - School of Management, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), University of Dubai and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) - School of Management
Downloads 814 (59,699)



credit cards; attitude; psychographic; shopping addiction, consumer debt; Malaysia; Malaysian consumer.


Evolving Factors Influencing Consumers' Attitudes toward Social Media Marketing and Its Impact on Social Media Usage

International Journal of Marketing Communication and New Media 2017, Special Number 2 – October, pp, 1-25.
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 24 Oct 2021
M. Sadiq Sohail and Ibrahim Al-Jabri
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Downloads 769 (64,420)
Citation 2



social media; social media marketing; consumer attitudes; social media use; Saudi Arabia


Determinants of Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry: The Case of Malaysian Hotels

Journal of Accounting – Business & Management 14, 64-74 (2007)
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 17 Apr 2019
M. Sadiq Sohail, Matthew Royal, Mohammad Saeed and Zafar Ahmed
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 693 (73,767)



service quality, tourist, tourism, hotel industry, customer satisfaction


Psychological Impact of Work-Integrated Learning Programmes in Malaysia: The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem on Relation between Self-Efficacy and Self-Confidence

nternational Journal of Educational Psychology 2019
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 25 Oct 2021
University Tenaga National - College of Business Management and Accounting, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) - School of Management, University Tenaga National - College of Business Management and Accounting and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 640 (81,477)



work-integrated learning; psychological attributes; psychological empowerment; higher education; Malaysia

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty: An Arab Perspective

Book with one author: Aaker, David A. 1991. Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: The Free Press Sarason, S.B. 1974. The psychological sense of community: Prospects for the community psychology. Cambridge, MA : Brookline Books. Book with two authors: Akar E
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 13 Sep 2021
M. Sadiq Sohail, Mehedi Hasan and Azlin Fathima Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Victoria University of Wellington and Monash University - Monash University Malaysia
Downloads 633 (81,537)



Brand Community, Brand Loyalty, Brand Trust, Customization, Entertainment, Interaction, Social Media Marketing

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty: An Arab Perspective

Posted: 16 Jul 2020
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)



Brand Community, Brand Loyalty, Brand Trust, Customization, Entertainment, Interaction, Social Media Marketing

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty: An Arab Perspective

Sohail, M.S, Hasan. M and Sohail, A (2020). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty: An Arab Perspective, International Journal of Online Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 15-31.
Posted: 24 Sep 2021
M. Sadiq Sohail, Mehedi Hasan and Azlin Fathima Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Victoria University of Wellington and Monash University - Monash University Malaysia



Brand Community, Brand Loyalty, Brand Trust, Customization, Entertainment, Interaction, Social Media Marketing


The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Purchase Decision: Investigating the Effects of Local and Nonlocal Brands

Journal of International Consumer Marketing 2021
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 25 Oct 2021
Mehedi Hasan and M. Sadiq Sohail
Victoria University of Wellington and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 502 (110,434)



Social media marketing; purchase intention; brand loyalty; local brand; nonlocal brand


Curry Cuisine: Perceptions of Indian Restaurants in Malaysia

Tourismos: An International Journal of Tourism, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 25-38 (2007)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
Bharath Josiam, M. Sadiq Sohail and Prema Monteiro
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and University of Wisconsin - Stout
Downloads 439 (129,417)
Citation 1



Ethnic Marketing, Indian Restaurants, Spicy Food, Customer Perceptions, Malaysia.


Sustaining Competitive Advantage in the Global Petrochemical Industry: A Saudi Arabian Perspective

Journal of International Business & Entrepreneurship Development. Vol. 3, No. 1/2, pp. 4-17, 2006
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Salem M Al-Ghamdi and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) - Department of Management & Marketing Department (MGMK) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 380 (152,663)



petrochemical; Porter; Saudi Arabia; strategy.


Internet Banking and Quality of Service Perspectives from a Developing Nation in the Middle East

Sohail, Sadiq M and Shaikh N. (2008). "Internet Banking and quality of service: perspectives from a developing nation in the Middle East” Online Information Review, Vol. 32, No 1 pp 58-72.
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Nassar Shaikh
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 339 (172,953)
Citation 1



Internet, Customer services quality, Virtual banking, Saudi Arabia


E-Purchasing Behaviour of Consumers in Saudi Arabia: Implications for B2C Marketers

International Journal of Excellence in e-Solutions for Management, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 9-25 (2007)
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail, M. Aamir Sayeed and Mohammed Kaleemuddin
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Independent
Downloads 273 (217,213)



e-purchase; buyer behaviour; Saudi Arabia; Internet; e-tailers.


E-Banking and Customer Preferences in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation

Information Science Journal. Vol. 150 , No. 3-4, pp 207-217, 2003
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Balachandran Shanmugham
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Monash University Malaysia
Downloads 266 (222,839)
Citation 3




Marketing Strategy, Related Factors and Performance of Firms Across Saudi Arabia

Sohail, Sadiq M (2009).“Marketing strategy, related factors and performance of firms across Saudi Arabia”, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 4. No. 4, pp 286-301
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 259 (228,839)



strategy; marketing; firm performance; manufacturing industry; Saudi Arabia.


An Analysis of Product-Market Strategy and Export Performance: Evidence from SMEs in Saudi Arabia

Sohail, Sadiq M and Ashban. A (2009). “An analysis of product-market strategy and export performance: evidence from SMEs in Saudi Arabia”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship Vol. 13. pp 49-66
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Aref Alashban
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 227 (260,295)



export, marketing strategy, performance, SME, Saudi Arabia


Tourism Marketing in United Arab Emirates: An Empirical Study of Events

International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Catering and Hospitality, Vol. 1 No 2, p 21-29 (2007)
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Sahel Rousan
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Ajman University - College of Business
Downloads 211 (278,691)



Events; UAE; Tourism Marketing Strategy.


Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education Institutions Perspectives from Malaysia

Sohail Sadiq M and Salina Daud (2009), “Knowledge sharing in higher education institutions: perspectives from Malaysia”, VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 39, No.2 pp 125-142
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Salina Daud
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and University Tenaga National - College of Business Management and Accounting
Downloads 208 (282,403)



Knowledge management, Universities, Knowledge sharing, Malaysia Paper type Research paper


A Group Decision-Making Method for Selecting Cloud Computing Service Model

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 9(1), pp.449-456. doi: 10.14569/IJACSA.2018.090162
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 24 Apr 2018
Ibrahim Al-Jabri, Eid Mustafa I. and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) - College of Industrial Management and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 207 (283,670)



Cloud computing, Cloud service models, Multi-criteria decision-making, Group decision-making


Measuring Service Quality at King Fahd International Airport

Sohail, Sadiq M and Kahtani (2005) "Measuring Service Quality at King Fahd International Airport,” International Journal of Services and Standards, Vol. 2005, No. 4, pp 482-493.
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 27 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Al-Kahtani A.Wahab
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 199 (294,075)



airport; King Fahd International Airport (KFIA); services; standards; Saudi Arabia.


The Use of Third Party Logistics Services: A Malaysian Perspective

Technovation: An International Journal, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 401-408, 2003
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Amrik S. Sohal
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Monash University - Department of Management
Downloads 192 (303,795)



Contract logistics; Outsourcing; Malaysia


Saudi Cement Company: 'Survival is the Name of the Game in a Very Competitive Industry'

International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 9. No. 2 pp 31-40 (2006)
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Salem M Al-Ghamdi and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) - Department of Management & Marketing Department (MGMK) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 172 (335,153)



Strategy and policy, Saudi cement industry, SWOT analysis, competitive strategy, competitive advantage


Country of Origin Effect: An Evaluation of Malaysian Consumers' Perceptions Towards Products Made in Japan

Journal of International Marketing and Exporting, Vol. 8, No 2, pp. 96-108 (2003)
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 171 (336,874)




Saudi Consumers' Perceptions of Foreign Products

Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp 93-106, 2005
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 164 (349,258)
Citation 1



Saudi Arabia, Steady Economic Growth


Restructuring a Higher Education Institution a Case Study from a Developing Country

International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 279-290 (2006)
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Salina Daud
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and University Tenaga National - College of Business Management and Accounting
Downloads 163 (351,084)



Organizational restructuring, Business process re-engineering, Higher education, Malaysia

Consumer Influences on Pirated Software Purchases: Perspectives from an Emerging Gulf Nation

Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research (SIBR) 2011 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Research
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 22 Jun 2011
M. Sadiq Sohail and Turki Thonayen
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 111 (477,267)



software piracy, consumer behavior, counterfeiting Saudi Arabia

Consumer Influences on Pirated Software Purchases: Perspectives from an Emerging Gulf Nation

Sohail. Sadiq M and Turki Al-Thonayen (2012). "Consumer influences on pirated software purchases: perspectives from an emerging Gulf nation, “International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Vol. 5 No.1 pp 43-56.
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 45 (792,714)



software piracy; consumer behaviour; counterfeiting Saudi Arabia.


Assessing the Role of Family Business in Promoting Economic Growth: Perspectives from Saudi Arabia

Ramady, M.A and Sohail, Sadiq M (2010). “Assessing the role of family business in promoting economic growth: perspectives from Saudi Arabia", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 10, No .4 pp 447-459
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Mohamed Ramady and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 136 (406,533)



family business; economic growth; economic reform; business structural changes; Saudi Arabia; globalisation; new listings.


Socioeconomic Impact Assessment in Saudi Arabia: Problems and Perspectives

World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 248-257 (2006)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Mohammed Burney
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 134 (411,377)



Socioeconomic Impact Assessment (SIA); Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Saudi Arabia; significance.


Determinants of Advertising Attitudes: The Influence of Cultural and Environmental Context

Sohail. Sadiq M, Abdelrahman M. Al-Gwaiz (2013). “Determinants of advertising attitudes: the influence of cultural and environmental context”, International Journal of Academic Research Vol. 5 No. 4, pp 7-13.
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 02 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Abdelrahman Al-Gwaiz
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Independent
Downloads 126 (431,314)



Consumer attitudes, advertising, advertising effectiveness, Saudi Arabia


The Usage of Third Party Logistics in Saudi Arabia Current Position and Future Prospects

Number of pages: 18 Posted: 27 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Al-Abdali Obaid S.
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 119 (450,330)




Pioneering Disadvantage: Consumer Reactions to Marketing Mix Strategies

Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 8, No.1, pp 63-79, 2001
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Mohamad Mahmood
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Independent
Downloads 115 (462,165)




The Influence of Organisational Justice on Job Satisfaction: Evidence from an Emerging Nation

Sohail, Sadiq M and Nuhu, N. A (2010). ‘’The influence of organisational justice on job satisfaction: evidence from an emerging nation”, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 193-207.
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Nuraddeen Nuhu
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Macquarie University
Downloads 110 (477,552)



job satisfaction; organisational justice; distributive justice; interactional justice; procedural justice; employees, Saudi Arabia.


The Impact of Electronic Service Quality in Creating Customer Value and Loyalty

Sohail, Sadiq M and Shaikh N (2009) "The impact of electronic service quality in creating customer value and loyalty', Journal of Global Business Advancement, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 221-236
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 95 (528,620)



value; loyalty; service quality; banking; internet; Saudi Arabia.


Strategies for Expanding and Promoting Business to and Beyond Muslim Markets

Accounting, Commerce, and Finance: The Islamic Perspective Journal, Australia Vol. 5, No.1, pp 1-23 (2001)
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 24 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 93 (535,868)




Indonesian Products Overseas: Consumer Perceptions in a Foreign Market

Mulya Management Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 128-141 (2003)
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 92 (539,578)



Indonesia, consumer behavior, consumer, Country of origin, Malaysia.


The Effects of Environmental Turbulence on Multinational Subsidiaries Performance and Entrepreneurial Behavior: Evidence from a Developing Nation

Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp 41-55 (2007)
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Selvamalar Ayadurai
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and National University of Malaysia (UKM)
Downloads 90 (547,048)



environment, turbulence, hostility, dynamism, complexity, subsidiary, performance.


Drivers of Customer Satisfaction: Perspectives From the Food Retail Sector of an Arab Nation

Sohail, Sadiq M, Anwar, Syed Aziz and Rabbie, F.H (2012). “Drivers of customer satisfaction: perspectives from the food retail sector of an Arab nation”, Journal of Global Business Advancement, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp 181-191.
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail, Syed Anwar and Fuad Rabbie
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Hamdan Bin Mohammed University (HBMeU) and Independent
Downloads 88 (554,635)



customer satisfaction; food retailing; store familiarity; store atmosphere; Saudi Arabia.


TQM Practices and Organisational Performances in the Manufacturing Sector: Evidence From A Developing Nation

International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 144-157, 2005
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Muhammad A. Al-Buraey
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) - Department of Management & Marketing Department (MGMK)
Downloads 87 (558,508)



ISO 9000; Malaysia; TQM; manufacturing; factor analysis.

Outsourcing the Information Technology Function: Perspectives from Employees

South African Journal of Business Management (2012)
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 14 Nov 2014
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 44 (800,027)



Outsourcing the Information Technology Function: Perspectives from Employees

Sohail. Sadiq M (2012). “Outsourcing the information technology function: Perspectives from employees”, South African Journal of Business Management. Vol. 43 No. 2 pp 51-59
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 42 (815,219)




Students’ Perceptions of Service Quality in Saudi Universities: The SERVPERF Model

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives 2021
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 25 Oct 2021
M. Sadiq Sohail and Mehedi Hasan
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Victoria University of Wellington
Downloads 82 (578,656)
Citation 2



Service quality; student satisfaction; higher education; SERVPERF; Saudi Arabia


Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality in Malaysia (An Explorative Study of Selected Deluxe Hotels)

Journal of Administrative Science, Vol. 2, pp 110-119 (2001)
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 24 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 75 (608,896)



Service quality, Hotel management, Hotel marketing


Measuring Consumer Satisfaction with Consumer Protection Agencies: Some Insights from Saudi Arabia

The Journal of Consumer Marketing. Vol. 24, No. 2, pp 71-79 (2007)
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) - Department of Management & Marketing Department (MGMK), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Independent
Downloads 73 (617,989)



Consumer protection, Consumerism, Customer satisfaction, Saudi Arabia Paper type Research paper


A Comparative Study on the Use of Third Party Logistics Services by Singaporean and Malaysian Firms

International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 36, No. 9, pp 690-701, 2006
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail, Rohit Bhatnagar and Amrik S. Sohal
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Nanyang Technological University and Monash University - Department of Management
Downloads 73 (617,989)



Outsourcing, Manufacturing industries, Singapore, Malaysia Paper type Research paper


Consumer Evaluation of Products Made in China: A Malaysian Perspective

Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 13-19 (2004)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 71 (627,371)




Service Quality in Hospitals: More Favourable than You Might Think

Managing Service Quality, Vol. 13, No 3, pp 197-206, 2003
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 71 (627,371)




Influence of Ethnicity on Students’ Sales Career Preference: Some Observations from a Developing Multi-Racial Country

Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 1, pp 248-256 (2004)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 70 (632,048)




Relationship-Marketing Elements and Third-Party Logistics: Perspectives from an Emerging Nation

Sohail, Sadiq M and Malikakkal, Navaz (2011). “Relationship Marketing Elements and Third Party Logistics: Perspective from an Emerging Nation”, International Journal of Logistics and Systems Management, Vol. 9 No. 4 pp 375-396.
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Navaz malikakkal
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Independent
Downloads 69 (636,890)



relation marketing; 3PL; third-party logistics; Saudi Arabia; outsourcing; relationship element.


Student Attitudes Towards Careers in Sales in Australia and Malaysia: A Cross-Cultural Analysis

Journal of International Marketing & Marketing Research. Vol. 28, No.2, 97-111, 2003
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 67 (646,760)



Australia, Malaysia, perceptions, preferences, safes careers, student attitudes


In Pursuit of Globalization: Learning from the Hard Lessons

Studies in Business and Economics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp 57-68 (2006)
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Mohammed Burney and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 64 (661,872)




Attitudes Towards Mobile Banking: Are There Any Differences between Users and Non-Users?

Sadiq M and Ibrahim Al-Jabri (2014). "Attitude towards mobile banking: are there any differences between users and non-users?" Behavior and Information Technology, Vol 33, No. 4, pp. 335-344
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 02 Sep 2015 Last Revised: 17 Apr 2019
M. Sadiq Sohail and Ibrahim Al-Jabri
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Downloads 62 (672,230)



mobile banking; innovation attributes; adoption process; banking; Saudi Arabia


Benchmarking Usage of Third Party Logistics: A Comparison of Practices between Firms in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia

World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Vol. 2006, No. 1, pp 69-81
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 60 (682,859)



outsourcing; logistics; Malaysia; Saudi Arabia.


Strategic Supply Chain Integration and its Impact on Organisation Performance: Perspectives From an Emerging Nation

Sohail, Sadiq M., Sayeed, M.A., Al-Fadhil, A. and Sahin, O.G. (2009) ‘Strategic supply chain integration and its impact on organisational performance: perspectives from an emerging nation’, Int. J. Integrated Supply Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 62-80.
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 60 (682,859)



supply chain integration; organisational performance; SCM; supply chain management; organisation strategy; environmental uncertainty; Saudi Arabia.


Country-of-Origin Effects on Consumers’ Evaluations of Automobiles: Perspectives from a Developing Nation

Sohail, Sadiq M and Sahin, O. Gokhan (2010). "Country-of-origin effects on consumers’ evaluations of automobiles: perspectives from a developing nation" Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp 245-257.
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Osman Sahin
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 58 (693,706)
Citation 2



Country of origin, consumer behavior, product image, automobiles, Saudi Arabia


Generating Customer Loyalty in an Emerging Competitive Market: A Banking Industry Study

Sohail. Sadiq M (2013). "Generating customer loyalty in an emerging competitive market: a banking industry study", International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume. 2, No. 4 pp 28-33
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 02 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 56 (704,829)



relationship marketing, customer loyalty, customer retention, trust, commitment, communications, conflict-handling


Quality Assurance Dimensions for e-Learning Institutions in Gulf Countries

Quality Assurance in Education 2020
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 25 Oct 2021
Syed Anwar, M. Sadiq Sohail and Meera Al Reyaysa
Hamdan Bin Mohammed University (HBMeU), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
Downloads 53 (722,407)
Citation 1



quality assurance; e-learning; accreditation, assessment, benchmarking


Foreign Direct Investment in Some Emerging Asian Economies: Reflections on Competitiveness and Determinants

Journal of International Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring, pp 41-51, 2003
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and S. Anwar
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and Independent
Downloads 52 (728,555)




Quest for Excellence in Business Education: A Study of Student Impressions of Service Quality

International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 18, No. 1/2, pp 58-65 (2004)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Nassar Shaikh
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 51 (734,779)
Citation 4



Service quality assurance, Students, Perception, Education, Saudi Arabia


The Perceived Determinants of Islamic Finance for China's Belt and Road Initiative

Journal of Transnational Management 26 (1), 18-38, 2021
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 26 Sep 2021
Nabil Baydoun, Syed Anwar and M. Sadiq Sohail
Hamdam Bin Mohammad Smart University, Hamdan Bin Mohammed University (HBMeU) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 50 (740,998)



Belt and Road Initiative; Islamic finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Sukuk


Subsidiary Entrepreneurship: The Case of Multinational Subsidiaries in an Emerging Southeast Asian Nation

World Journal of Business Management. 1 (1) 47-53 (2007)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 01 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Selvamalar Ayadurai
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and National University of Malaysia (UKM)
Downloads 43 (787,884)



Subsidiary, Entrepreneurship, Corporate, Malaysia


Industrial Buyer-Supplier Relationship: Perspectives From an Emerging Middle East Market

Sohail, Sadiq M and Ashban. A (2009). "Industrial buyer-supplier relationship: Perspectives from an emerging Middle East market” International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets , Vol. 1, No. 4 pp. 341-360
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Aref Alashban
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 42 (794,916)



industrial; relationships; buyer; seller; Saudi Arabia.


Entrepreneurship in Multinational Subsidiaries: Perspectives from a Developing Nation

Journal of Management and World Business Research. Vol. 2004, No. 1, pp. 47-59
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Selvamalar Ayadurai
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and National University of Malaysia (UKM)
Downloads 39 (816,957)




Role of Delivery, Course Design and Teacher-Student Interaction: Observations of Adult Distance Education and Traditional On-Campus Education

International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Vol. 3., No. 2 Fall, 2002
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
Om Harsh and M. Sadiq Sohail
University of South Australia and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 37 (832,447)
Citation 3



adult distance education, distance learning, Web, communication, Web course design, teacher-student interaction


Shopping Behavior and Evaluation of Store Features: Perspectives from a Food Market in the Arabian Peninsula

Sohail, Sadiq M (2008). "Shopping Behavior and Evaluation of Store Features: Perspectives from a Food Market in the Arabian Peninsula, The Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 5-27.
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 36 (840,422)



Attitude, behavior, retail, Saudi Arabia, shopping, store-choice


WiMAX System in Saudi Arabia: Deployment Issues and Development of Marketing Strategy

Bugshan, Hatem and Sohail, Sadiq M (2010). "WiMAX in Saudi Arabia: Deployment issues and development of marketing strategy" International Journal of Business and Systems Research, Vol. 4 No. 2 pp 169-185.
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Hatem Bugshan and M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 33 (865,474)



WiMAX system; wireless interoperability microwave access; communication technology; WiMAX architecture; marketing strategy; consumer behaviour; Saudi Arabia.


An Experiment on Course Design, Delivery and Effective Interaction in Distance Technical Education

The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Vol. 3., No. 2 Fall, 2002
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 25 Aug 2015
Om Harsh and M. Sadiq Sohail
University of South Australia and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 30 (891,398)




Sustaining Trade with Saudi Arabia: An Analysis of Exporting as an Alternative

World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No.1, pp 77-90, 2005
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 27 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail and Mohammed Burney
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 28 (909,619)



export; strategies; Saudi Arabia.


An Insight into Perceptions of Career Influences on Private Academic Staff in Malaysia

International Journal of Management. Vol. 23. No.2, pp 222-233, 2006
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 31 Aug 2015
Leong Hei and M. Sadiq Sohail
Monash University Malaysia and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 26 (928,263)



career, perceptions, academic, Malaysia.


Testing Market Orientation of Bank Managers in the Emerging Economy of Brunei

International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 21 No 6/7, pp 289-295 (2003)
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 26 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Downloads 26 (928,263)




A Study of Mall Shopping Behaviour and Patronage: Perspectives from an Emerging Nation

Posted: 02 Sep 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)



mall shopping, shopping behaviour, shopping attitude, mall patronage, shopping orientation, Saudi Arabia.


TQM Practices and Organizational Performances of SMEs in Malaysia: Some Empirical Observations

Posted: 25 Aug 2015
M. Sadiq Sohail
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)



ISO 9000, Malaysia, Performance, Small- to medium-sized enterprises, Total quality management, Benchmarking


Attitude Towards Mobile Banking: Are There Any Differences between Users and Non-Users?

Behaviour & Information Technology, 33(4), 335-344, 2014
Posted: 03 May 2015 Last Revised: 02 Apr 2017
M. Sadiq Sohail and Ibrahim Al-Jabri
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals



mobile banking, innovation attributes, adoption process, banking, Saudi Arabia