John de New

University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research

Level 5, FBE Building, 111 Barry Street

Parkville, Victoria 3010






Rank 15,856


Top 15,856

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (8)

Happiness Adaptation to Income and to Status in an Individual Panel

NBER Working Paper No. w13159
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 27 Jun 2007 Last Revised: 17 Dec 2022
Harvard Business School - Business, Government and the International Economy Unit, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research and University of Auckland Business School
Downloads 81 (623,126)
Citation 26



Covid-19 Labour Market Shocks and Their Inequality Implications for Financial Wellbeing

Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 15/20
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 15 Sep 2020
University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, Monash University - Centre for Health Economics, University of Melbourne and Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, the University of Melbourne
Downloads 289 (213,332)
Citation 4



Financial wellbeing, COVID-19, unemployment, earnings reduction, inequality

Financial Autonomy among Emerging Adults in Australia

Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 30/20
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 07 Jan 2021
University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research and Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research
Downloads 258 (240,598)



Financial autonomy, financial decision making, emerging adulthood

Financial Autonomy Among Emerging Adults in Australia

Life Course Centre Working Paper No. 2020-32
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 29 Dec 2020
University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research and Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research
Downloads 40 (875,375)



Financial Autonomy, financial decision making, emerging adulthood


Measuring Financial Wellbeing with Self-Reported and Bank-Record Data

Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 26/20
Number of pages: 86 Posted: 02 Dec 2020
UNSW Australia Business School, School of Banking and Finance, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, the University of Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Downloads 214 (289,145)
Citation 1



Financial wellbeing, bank-record data, financial behavior, item response theory models, machine-learning, LASSO

COVID-19 Infections, Labour Market Shocks, and Subjective Well-Being

Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 14/20
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 15 Sep 2020
Ferdi Botha and John de New
University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research and University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research
Downloads 102 (536,730)
Citation 2



COVID-19; coronavirus; labour market shocks; subjective well-being


Marginal Unit Interpretation of Unconditional Quantile Regression and Recentered Influence Functions Using Centred Regression

Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 14/22, 2022
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 29 Jul 2022
Fernando Rios-Avila and John de New
Bard College - The Levy Economics Institute and University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research
Downloads 152 (392,055)
Citation 4



recentered influence functions, unconditional quantile regression, restricted least squares


Measuring Financial Wellbeing with Self-Reported and Bank-Record Data

IZA Discussion Paper No. 13884
Number of pages: 84 Posted: 23 Nov 2020
University of Melbourne - Department of Finance, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, the University of Melbourne, Georgia State University, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Downloads 139 (421,186)



financial wellbeing, bank-record data, financial behavior, item response theory models, machine-learning, LASSO


Financial Outcomes in Adolescence and Early Adulthood in Australian Longitudinal Data

Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 20/19
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 09 Jan 2020
University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research and Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research
Downloads 32 (922,526)



financial outcomes; adolescence; early adulthood; HILDA survey; LSAY; LSAC