54-56 Rue de Montbrillant
International Trade Centre
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WTO, trade disputes, international trade, law and economics
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Openness, bilateral trade flows, gravity model, institutional quality
international economic law, international trade, investor state disputes
Mode 4, trade negotiations, trade in services, FDI
regional trade agreements, trade in services, GATS, Africa
Regional trade agreements, trade in services, GATS, Africa, European Union
regional integration, WTO, financial services trade, Africa
Environmental policy, international trade, national treatment, WTO
international trade, labour market regulation, RTAs
Food safety standards, risk assessment, policy capture, Codex Alimentarius Commission, WTO
Mode 4, bilateral trade flows, services liberalization, WTO
income volatility, geographical export diversification, external shocks
export diversification, external shocks, income volatility
Standards, voluntary sustainability standards, sustainable development, SME, Global Value Chains, Certification.
Great Recession, trade, employment, Brazil
Product labels, international trade
certification, SMEs, sustainability, voluntary standards