80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
United States
Albany Law School
in Total Papers Downloads
community benefits agreements, CBAs, social justice, environmental justice, community development, public participation
CBAs, community benefits agreements, development agreements, social equity, community development
urban agriculture, food, zoning, foodshed, locally grown food, community gardens, intergovernmental, food policy councils,comprehensive planning, farm stands, farmers markets, mobile markets, backyard chickens, beekeeping, chickens, agritourism, green roofs, edible landscaping, sustainability
Community Development, Urban Planning, Comprehensive Plan, Community Benefits Agreement, Land Use Planning
CBAs, community benefits agreements, environmental justice, developmenr agreements, municipal law, community negotiation
religion and the law, RLUIPA, land use, First Amendment, Free Exercise Clause, Establishment Clause, religious land use, zoning
fraternity, sorority, student housing, college housing, zoning
religious land uses, RLUIPA, zoning and religion, religious use
zoning, land use, active living
economic development, subsidies, tax exemption, accountability, transparency, public finance
Measure 37, land use, regulatory takings, Oregon, ballot measures
urban renewal, economic development, Berman v. Parker, slum clearance