Cnr. of Codrington and Rose Streets
Sydney, NSW 2006
University of Sydney Business School
in Total Papers Downloads
Disclosure, institutional investors, UK company policy, social and environmental standards
Sovereign Wealth Funds, Intergenerational Equity, International Law, Domestic Law, Australia Future Fund
venture capital, clean tech, economic geography, carbon markets, technology policy, private equity
carbon trading, climate change, economic geography, market structure, policy staging, corporate environmental performance
public finance, climate change mitigation, developing countries, venture capital
ESG, Corporate Governance, Investment Consulting, Global Financial Crisis, Environment, Finance
innovation, paradox theory, creative industry, management, practice
Interlocking World City Network Model (IWCNM), intercity business flows, financial and business services, advanced producer services, world city network, construct validity
clean tech, private equity, venture capital, long term investment, institutional investment, economic geography
Corporate reputations, Case study, Stakeholders, Geographies, Professional service firms, Prism