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University of Toronto - Faculty of Law
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Telemedicine, Robotic surgery, Cross-border treatment, Legal liability across borders, Licensure across borders, Conflict of laws, Legal harmonization, Ethics across borders
Reproductive technologies, In vitro fertilization, Surplus embryos, Multiple pregnancy, Selective reduction, Publicized success rates
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Genetic diagnosis, Chromosomal abnormality, Genetic disease, Aneuploidy, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (UK), Saviour siblings
Abortion, Prenatal life, Maternal mortality, Conscientious objection, Reproductive self-determination, Human rights
Adolescent confidentiality, Confidentiality of adolescents, Human right to confidentiality, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Reproductive health confidentiality, Mature minors, Parental rights.
Public health ethics, Reproductive health, Maternal mortality and morbidity, Ethics, Unsafe abortion, Contraception, Infertility
Female circumcision, Female genital mutilation, Female genital cutting, Circumcision, Sexuality, Infibulation, Child abuse
Confidentiality, Disclosure of confidential information, Legal confidentiality, Lawful disclosure of records, Record confidentiality, Disclosure of dangerousness, Ethics and confidentiality
Abortion rights, conscientious objection, contraception, Developments legal, reproductive health
health care, health professionalism, conscientious objection, duty of referral, bioethics, health law
Abortion, Contraception, Ectopic pregnancy, Emergency contraception, In vitro fertilization, Spontaneous miscarriage, Sterilization
gender, stereotyping, abortion, non-discrimination, reproductive health, sexual health, healthcare, human rights
Sex selection, Sex discrimination, Sperm sorting, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Abortion, Discrimination against girl children, Discrimination against women
abortion services, conscientious objection, duty to refer, hospitals' legal responsibilities, limits of conscientious objection, patients' rights, professional duties
Conscientious objection, Contraception, Abortion, Conflict of Interest, Pharamacists
Conscientious objection, physicians' conscientious objection, nurses' conscientious objection, medical students' conscientious objection, hospitals' conscientious objection, pharmacists' conscientious objection, religiously-based hospitals, employment discrimination, abortion, sterilization
Abortion stigma, Discrimination and stigma, HIV stigma, Infertility stigma, Professionalism and stigma, Service providers and stigma, Stigma
Adolescence, Adolescents' consent, Consent from adolescents, Adolescents' evolving capacities, Mature minors, Emancipated minors, Assent and consent, Age of consent, Adolescents' confidentiality.
cosmetic surgery, discrimination, genital surgery, "honor" killing, hymen reconstruction, revirgination, virginity
cosmetic surgery, discrimination, genital surgery, honor killing, hymen reconstruction, revirgination, virginity
Biobanking, Embryos IVF Embryos, In-Vitro Fertilization, Legal Status of Embryos, Orphan Embryos, Property Interests in Embryos, Surplus Embryos
Conflict of interest, Research conflicts, Fiduciary duty, Conflict of commitment, Self-interest, Disclosure of interest, Fee-splitting
Conscientious objection, Abortion objection, Sterilization objection, Nurses' conscientious objection, Pharmacists' conscientious objection, Religiously-based hospitals, Hospital conscientious objection, Employment non-discrimination
Conception, Costa Rica, In vitro fertilization, Infertility, human rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, fertilization
Informed consent, Negligence, Duty of care, Information, Duty to inform, Material information
Ethics of fetal reduction, Fetal reduction, Legal liability in multiple pregnancy, Multiple pregnancy, Single embryo transfer, Twin pregnancy, Wrongful birth
Brazil, India, Maternal mortality, Near-miss maternal death, Paraguay, Right to life, Women's rights to life and equality
embryo transfer, surrogate motherhood, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, foreign assisted reproduction, consent to embryo transfer, child custody following surrogacy, counseling services abroad
Voluntary sterilization, Involuntary sterilization, Criminal law, Free and informed consent, Professional guidelines, Coercion, Inducement
Evidence-based law, Emergency contraception, Abortion, Expert witnesses, Levonorgestrel, Miscarriage, Legal interpretation
abortion, anencephaly, induced birth, late-term abortion, lawful abortion, maternal health, termination of pregnancy
hymenoplasty, virginity, genital surgery
Human rights, Women's human rights, Safe motherhood, Unsafe motherhood, Inter-Agency Group for Safe Motherhood, Maternal mortality, Maternal morbidity, Right to life, Non-discrimination
Ethics, Law, Duty of care, Women's health
Consent, Evidence of consent, Free consent, Implied consent, Informed consent, Presumed consent, Unlawful consent
abortion law, abortion, termination of pregnancy, jurisprudence, human rights
reproductive health, abortion, termination of pregnancy, law, ethics, transparency, rights
Fetal patient, Fetal interests, Fetal Surgery, Human rights, Abortion rights, Conflict of interest, Human beings, Persons
Human rights and HIV/AIDS, Non-discrimination and HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS patients' rights, Pregnancy and HIV/AIDS, Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS, National responses to HIV/AIDS, International responses to HIV/AIDS, Medical responses to HIV/AIDS
Ectopic pregnancy, Tubal pregnancy, Pregnancy, Emergency care, Methotrexate, Laparotomy, Salpingectomy, Laparoscopy
Sexual abuse, Rape, Violence against women, Abuse of adolescents, Assault, Forensic evidence, Medico-legal care
abortion law, abortion, termination of pregnancy, jurisprudence, human rights, el aborto, interrupción del embarazo,jurisprudencia, derechos humanos
Fetal Interests, Fetal Surgery, Myelomeningocele, Research, Spina Bifida, State Interest in Fetal Life, Time of Birth
Fistula, Obstetric fistula, Human Rights, Women's human rights
Domestic violence, intimate partner violence, pregnant victims of violence, spousal violence, violence against women, violence during pregnancy, wife beating
Adolescent reproductive health, Adolescents' evolving capacities, Human rights of children, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Parentalism, Paternalism, Sexuality education
Error, Medical error, Clinical judgment, Negligence, Non-negligent error, Iatrogenic injury, Disclosure of error
Assisted reproduction, Access to services, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Follicular maturation, Embryo implantation following husband's death, Postmenopausal pregnancy, Uterine transplantation, Gene therapy, Reproductive cloning, Stem cell research.
Abortion, Safe abortion, Unsafe abortion, Manual vacuum aspiration, Dilation and curettage, Dilation and evacuation, Contraception
Cell-free fetal DNA testing, Ethics of fetal testing, Fetal genetic diagnosis, Genetic counseling, Noninvasive fetal testing, Termination of pregnancy, Whole-genome sequencing
Contraception, Emergency contraception, Fertilization, Contragestion, 'Morning after' contraception, Conception, Post-coital contraception, Levonorgestrel
Capacity for treatment decisions, Children's and adolescents' consent, Consent to treatment, Guardians’ decisions for dependents, Informed consent/refusal, Pregnant women’s treatment decisions, Refusal of recommended treatment
Cryopreserved Embryos, Donation of Human Embryos, Embryo Storage and Use, In Vitro Fertilization, Research on Human Embryos, Status of Human Embryos, Warnock Committee
Advertising, Professional advertising, Commercial advertising, Conflict of interest, Research publication, Direct-to-Consumer advertising, Newsmedia reporting
conscientious objection, ethics, ethical misconduct, duty to refer, civil disobedience, professional ethics
Ethics, female genital mutilation/cutting, human rights, infibulation, medicalization, reinfibulation
Embryonic stem cell research, biobanking, stem cell research oversight (SCRO), stern cell line derivation, totipotent stem cells, pluripotent stem cells, human embryonic stem cells
Altruistic uterus donation, Brain death, Cadaveric uterus donation, Ethics in uterus donation, Legality of uterus donation, Organ transplantation, Uterus donation
Birth certification, Gender/sex contrast, Hermaphroditism, Intersex newborns, Newborns, Sex/gender contrast, Transexuality
Ethics, Bioethics, Research ethics, Research ethics review committees, Developing countries, Consent, Subjects of research, Placebo-controlled research
Children's Rights, Congenital Zika Syndrome, Disability Rights, Human Rights, Public Health, Women's Rights, Zika Infection
Abortion, Conscientious objection, Induced abortion, Lawful abortion, Post-abortion care, Spontaneous abortion, State responsibility
ethics, intertemporal, sterilization, treatment without consent, healthcare consent, reversible sterilization
Conjoined twins, 'Siamese' twins, Court-approved surgery, Parental powers, Parental consent, Separation of conjoined twins, Twin births, Malformed infants
Abortion, conscientious objection, religious freedom, hospital corporations, clinic corporations, medical training
Commercial surrogacy; Law reform; Public policy; Surrogate motherhood; UK law reform; UK Supreme Court; Whittington Hospital case
Human rights, Reproductive rights, Sex discrimination, Gender discrimination, Race discrimination, FIGO study group on women's sexual and reproductive rights
Cerebral Palsy, Clinical Judgment, Fetal Monitoring Guidelines, Guidelines, Legal Evidence, Perinatal Mortality, Refusal of Advice
Abortion, sterilization, court-ordered caesarian delivery, reproductive health, human rights, unsafe abortion, contraceptive sterilization, involuntary sterilization, integration of law and ethics, unsafe motherhood
Conscientious objection, Duty to refer, Freedom of conscience, Professionalism, Referral, Religious objection, Therapeutic continuity
child abuse, criminal law, civil procedure, punishment, protection
Adolescent evolving capacity, Gender dysphoria, Induced infertility, Legal minors, Male motherhood, Sex-change, Transsexuality
genetics, biotechnology, eugenics, bioethics
Impaired healthcare practitioners, HIV-positive physicians, HIV-positive healthcare staff, Practitioner-to-patient infection, Vicarious legal liability of health facilities, Legal liability of health facilities, Hospital legal liability, Health facility legal liability
public health practice, public health research, research ethics committees, ethics review
health care, confidentiality, legal duty
transgender, human rights, gender identity, discrimination, biological sex, sex change, gender incongruence, gender dysphoria, sexual health, gender reassignment surgery, islamic jurisprudence,
Embriones, Derechos
plagiarism, publish, originality