United States
Brigham Young University - Department of Finance
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Sports Betting, Gambling, Household Finance, Stock Market Participation JEL Classification: D14
International finance, sovereign wealth fund, cross-border investment, market efficiency, transparency
minimum wage, investment, capital expenditures
cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, consumption, transaction data, household balance sheet, real estate
IPO, Economic Growth, Crowding Out, Concentration
Local Agglomerations, Employment Growth, Initial Public Offerings, Firm Ownership
Consumer finance, cryptocurrency, FinTech, inflation, portfolio choice, stimulus
Household finance, financial constraints, house prices, migration, real estate
executive directors, inside directors, CEOs, talent, human capital, board of directors
Risk decisions, systemic risk, bank runs, financial crisis, commercial paper
financial institutions, systematic risk, capital regulation, asset-backed commercial paper
Initial Public Offerings, M&A, Geographic Expansion, US Census
executive compensation, CEO pay, skill-biased technological change, human capital
systematic risk, banking, regulation
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