1420 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
United States
University of Baltimore - School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
NFIB, Sebelius, ACA, Affordable Care Act, Commerce Clause, Obamacare, visual guide, dialectic, dissent
United States v. Windsor, DOMA, equal protection, substantive due process, same sex marriage, gay rights
reconstruction, narrative, slavery, constitutional law, civil rights, federalism, 14th amendment, 13th amendment
conceptual metaphor theory, legal research, technology, jurisprudence, law, text
Bail, Eighth Amendment, Equal Protection, Due Process, Legitimacy, Authority, Rhetoric, ipse dixit
constitutional adjudication, argument theory, value argument, Bobbitt taxonomy, modality, logos, ethos, pathos
DNA, habeas, Section 1983, Heck, logic, rhetoric, logos, Aristotle, Perelman, Toulmin
Automated Vehicles, Self-driving, AVs, State Law, Law and Technology, Transportation, Statute, Regulation, Empirical study
stare decisis, precedent, brandeis, payne v. tennessee, coronado oil, dissent, dialectic, overruling, doctrine
Brady v. Maryland, stare decisis, dialectic, due process, precedent, dissent, justificatory
empirical data, structural racism, pretrial, bail, criminal justice reform, GIS, residential segregation
Dissent, Due Process, Economic Liberty, Incorporation, Substantive due process, Procedural due process, Hermeneutics, Doctrine, Tradition, Jurisprudence, opinion map, Lochner, slaughter house, Hurtado, Powell v. Alabama, Mcdonald
Windsor, DOMA, equal protection, due process, Kennedy, doctrinal obscurity, Skinner, Moreno, Romer, Lawrence
video article, video project, Twombly, iqbal, twiqbal, Rule 8, pleading, vimeo, conley, leatherman, swierkiewicz, skinner, matrixx, papasan, dura, broudo
Brady v. Maryland, due process, notice and hearing, substantive justice
Exclusionary Rule, Herring, Borrowing, Convergence, Dissent, Map
mass incarceration, pretrial detention. presumption of innocence, empirical data, doctrinal argument, Bell v. Wolfish, Nelson v. Colorado
post conviction DNA exonerations, Garrett Study, criminal justice system, death penalty appeals, guilt-based harmless error rules, empirical analysis, criminal justice policies, Brandon L. Garrett, Chapman test, Strickland test, capital punishment
Twombly, Iqbal, Twiqbal, pleading, Rule 8, Conley, Swierkiewicz, Papasan, Broudo, Matrixx, Skinner, plausibility