Department of Law, University of Cyprus
P.O. Box 20537
Nicosia, 1678
University of Cyprus
in Total Papers Downloads
Age Discrimination, Direct Effect, Discrimination, EU Law, Equal Treatment, Fundamental Rights, Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000, Establishing a General Framework for Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Takeovers, Takeover Bid Directive, Breakthrough Rule, Corporate Law, Securities Regulation, Capital Market Law, Financial Law, EU Law, Internal Market
Takeovers, Corporate Law, Securities Regulation, EU Law, Internal Market
Cross-border mergers, EU law, European companies, Freedom of establishment
ESMA (ESMA Regulation 1095/2010), the EBA (EBA Regulation 1093/2010), the EIOPA (EIOPA Regulation 1094/2010), the ESRB (ESRB Regulation 1092/2010),Supervision, Rule-making Competences
Takeovers, Takeover Bid Directive, Corporate Law, Securities Regulation, Capital Market Law, Financial Law, EU Law, Internal Market
EU company law, Mergers & Acquisitions, 10th Company Law Directive on Cross-Border Mergers, EU fundamental freedom of establishment, SEVIC, internal market
EU Cross-border Mergers Directive, Tenth Company Law Directive, harmonization, scope, categories of companies and transactions, European Company Law, Internal Market
Cross-border Mergers Directive, 10th Company Law Directive, Directive 2019/2121, European Company Law, exit right, appraisal right, minority shareholders, dissenting shareholders, minimum harmonization, protection of shareholders, adequate cash compensation, share exchange ratio, M & A
Cross-border Mergers Directive, 10th Company Law Directive, European Company Law, Harmonization of company law, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&As
Directives 2003/6/EC and 2003/124/EC, Inside information, Notion of ‘precise information’, market abuse
International Organization of Securities Commissions (‘IOSCO’), IOSCO’s Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation,Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information, IOSCO Membership of Other Related International Bodies
Golden Shares, Greek legislation, strategic companies, EU Law, internal market, freedom of establishment, free movement of capital, Articles 43 and 56 EC Treaty
European Union Law, Company Law, Mergers, Takeover Bids, Internal Market, Fundamental Freedoms
Privatizations, Privatized Companies, golden shares, Article 345 TFEU (ex Article 295 EC), property ownership, company law, internal market, bailout deals, over-indebted Member States, Eurozone crisis, Corporatizations, Greece, Cyprus
Coronavirus; European Union; Foreign direct investment; Golden shares; Pandemics; Takeovers; investment screening; privatizations; European company law; internal market law; EU strategic privatized companies; freedom of establishment; free movement of capital; services of general interest
EU Takeovers Directive, mandatory bids, adjustment of the mandatory bid price, Periscopus AS v Oslo Børs ASA and Erik Must AS, protection of minority shareholders, EU fundamental freedoms
Article 54 TFEU, ex Article 48 EC Treaty, freedom of establishment of companies, internal market, companies, firms, legal persons, primary establishment, secondary establishment, harmonization, CJEU's case law
limited liability, First Company Law Directive, First Council Directive 68/151/EEC, Case C-81/09, Idrima Tipou AE v. Ipourgos Tipou kai Meson Mazikis Enimerosis, EU fundamental freedoms
sustainable development, Equator Principles, Financial Law, Banking Law and Company Law
free movement of services, internal market, directive 2006/123/EC, services directive
Takeover Bids Directive, freedom of establishment, fundamental freedoms, internal market, market for corporate control, EU law, Company Law
Cross-border Mergers Directive, 10th Company Law Directive, Directive 2019/2121, Directive 2017/1132, European Company Law, M & A, procedure, disclosure, report, general meeting, employee participation
Cross-border Mergers Directive, 10th Company Law Directive, Directive 2019/2121, European Company Law, creditors, M & A, minimum harmonization, solvency declaration, ex ante creditor protection , adequate safeguards, national law mechanisms, rebuttable presumption, corporate restructuring
Privatizations, Privatisations, Greece, Greek Law, European Company Law, Financial Crisis, Eurozone Crisis, MoU, Memorandum of Understanding, State-Owned Enterprises, State-Owned Companies, Special Shares, Golden Shares, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility,Sustainable Development, State as a Share
Harmonisation (sectoral\general), Self-employed persons, Mutual Recognition of Diplomas, Certificates and Qualifications, Professional Qualifications Directive (Directive 2005/36/EC), Services Directive (Directive 2006/123/EC), Practice of the profession of lawyer
European company law, European corporate law, foreign direct investments, investment screening, FDI screening,freedom of establishment of companies, golden shares, harmonization, takeover bids directive, Shareholders Rights Directive II,Transparency Directive, Cross-border Mergers, Societas Europaea
Shareholders’ duties
European company law, European business law, internal market, free movement of capital, freedom of establishment, CJEU’s case law, public interest, golden shares, tender specifications, corporate social responsibility, CSR, privatizations
Cyprus financial crisis, Cyprus MoU, Business Law Reforms, Cypriot banking sector, banks and cooperative credit institutions, banking and financial reforms, insolvency framework, anti-money laundering framework, privatizations
Reincorporations, Inbound, Outbound, Seat Transfer, Real Seat Theory, Incorporation Theory, Private International Law of Companies in Greece and Cyprus, Change of Applicable Law, Private International Law, European Company Law, Greek Company Law, Cyprus Company Law
private enforcement, harmonization, compensation, damages, representative/collective litigation, collective redress, no-reflective loss, derivative action, Regulation 596/2014, reflective losses, direct losses, market abuse, civil liability, direct (class) actions, breaches of securities regulation
Privatizations, Cyprus Law, European Company Law, Financial Crisis, Eurozone Crisis, MoU, Memorandum of Understanding, State-Owned Enterprises, Sustainable Development, Golden Shares, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility
European Company Law, Intra-EU Investments, Achmea, Bilateral Investment Treaties, BITs, EU Member States, European Commission’s Communication on Protection of Intra-EU Investment
Takeover Directive, Cyprus company law, transposition, Directive 2004/25/EC
Groups of Companies, Cyprus Law, Company Law, Holding and Subsidiary Companies in Cyprus Law, Lifting the Corporate Veil, Capital Markets Law, Competition Law, Banking and Financial Law, Insolvency Law, Private International Law and Environmental Law
Cross-border Mergers Directive, 10th Company Law Directive, European Company Law, Harmonization of company law, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&As, Cyprus company law, Cyprus law, Cypriot law, schemes of arrangement
Company law, comparative law, derivative action, English common law remedy, Cypriot law, Foss v Harbottle, statutory reform
Cross-border Mergers Directive, 10th Company Law Directive, European Company Law, Harmonization of company law, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&As, Greek company law, Greek law, Greece
private law, international and national civil procedure, international commercial arbitration, patent law, art law
ultra vires doctrine, restrictions on officer’s powers, Cyprus company law, English common law, EU harmonization, 1st Company Law Directive, Royal British Bank v Turquand, indoor management rule, Directive 68/151/EEC, Directive 2017/1132, corporate law, directors, Cypriot law, European company law
principle of non-discrimination (Article 18.1 TFEU), equity investment, participation in the capital of companies or firms, subsidiary effect in relation to other Treaty provisions (freedom of establishment and free movement of capital), clarifying role regarding the principle of equal treatment
Bilateral Investment Treaties, BITs, connecting factor, Cyprus company law, registered office, seat, Cyprus Companies Law (Chapter 113-Cap. 113), mixed legal system, common law, continental civil law, European Company Statute, freedom of establishment, private international law, incorporation theory
EU Company Law, European Company Law. European Union Law and Company Law, Corporate Law, Harmonization, Directives
EU law, EU Commercial and Economic Law, Business Regulation, sports betting, gambling, gaming, internal market, Member States, ECJ’s case law
Takeover Bid Directive, EU Law, company law, internal market, takeovers, Fundamental Freedoms, harmonization
Brexit, Company Law, UK, EU law
EU Law, company Law, capital market law, insolvency law, corporate taxation, European Union