Maynooth, County Kildare
Maynooth University Department of Law
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Human Rights Act 1998; European Convention on Human Rights; Reform; British Bill of Rights; European Court of Human Rights
ECJ, ECtHR, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, ECHR accession, Bosphorus case, exclusive jurisdiction, jurisdictional conflict
EU, human rights, Brexit, UK, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Human Rights Act
EU, ECHR, accession, individual complaint, omissions, actions
EU accession ECHR, autonomy, co-respondent, prior involvement of the ECJ
ECHR, EU, Bosphorus presumption, responsibility of Member States
EU; ECHR; accession; human rights; common foreign and security policy; area of freedom security and justice; mutual recognition
EU, ECHR, accession, human rights, charter of fundamental rights, council of europe
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; Principles; Rights; Justiciability; Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
European Union, Council of Europe, European Convention on Human Rights, accession agreement, fundamental rights
ECHR, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Rights in the UK, horizontal effect, accession EU to the ECHR
Brexit; Scotland; differentiated integration; EEA
EU Accession to the ECHR; European Court of Justice; European Court of Human Rights; Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; Cross-Fertilization; Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU, ECHR, ECJ, ECtHR, legal transplants, consensus, comparative law, human rights
EU; ECHR; ECJ; ECtHR; legal transplants; consensus
Community patents, EU law, European Court of Justice, European patents, Infringement, Jurisdiction
Brexit; Human Rights; Devolution; Scotland; Wales; Northern Ireland; EU Law; Judicial Review; Social Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; Scope of EU Law; Protocol No. 30; HRA 1998; UK Case Law
EU Law, ECHR, Charter, Scope of EU Law, Ne bis in idem, Conflict
Brexit; EU; UK; transition; right to vote; duty of loyal cooperation; citizens' rights; mutual trust; EU citizenship
Brexit; Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland; Common Travel Area; Free Movement; Immigration; UK; Ireland; Law
human rights; UK constitution; ECHR
ECJ, jurisdiction, exclusivity, international courts, CFSP
reunification, Germany, Ireland, constitutional law, international law, legacy
freedom of religion, belief discrimination, Germany, United Kingdom, EU anti-discrimination law
Scotland, independence, EU membership, single market, EEA
Implied Powers Doctrine, Distinction Between Existence And Nature Of Implied Competence, EU Competence Outside The Jurisdiction Of The Member States, Exclusive EU Competence Over Marine And Biological Resources Of The Sea, Negative And Positive Duties Under The Duty Of Cooperation
EU; ECHR; Accession; EU Court of Justice; European Court of Human Rights
Scotland; Ireland; Northern Ireland; Politics; Constitution; Brexit
EU Law; Brexit; Transition; direct effect; UK
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Article 9 TEU, EU citizenship, equality, non-discrimination
ECHR, EU, Brexit, Human Rights, United Kingdom, Devolution, Consent
ECJ, international courts, exclusive jurisdiction, CILFIT conditions, relationship between Community law and international law
Federal Constitutional Court decision of 30 June 2009 on the Treaty of Lisbon, Analysis of inconsistencies, Differences between the EU and a state, Sovereignty of the member states and Kompetenz-Kompetenz, Argument for a relative concept of sovereignty, Sovereignty and the right to withdraw