Beijing, 100084
Tsinghua University, SEM
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credit cycles, credit crunches
Agency Problem, Corporate Governance, Asset Pricing, Price Formation
agency problem, mark to market, market efficiency
IPO, Certification, Underpricing, Hot and Cold Market, Reputation
G24, C73
Blockchain, Proof-of-Stake, POS, Cryptocurrency, delegated-Proof-of-Stake, Stake Concentration
Money, Banking, Liquidity, Inflation, Monetary Policy
Mental Accounting, Time Diversification, Planning Horizon
Term Structure, State-Space Representation, Importance Sampling, Simulated Likelihood
Blockchain, Proof-of-Work, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Transaction Fee, Mining, Hashrate, Payment System
Financial market development, Ownership structure, Market discipline, Pricing efficiency, Initial public offering
Outside Money, Inside Money, Reserve Requirement, Liquidity Shortage, Over-Investment
Government Control, State-Owned Firms, Agency Problem, Corporate Governance
Real liquidity, Medium of Payment, Liquidity Shortage, Bank Efficiency, Quantitative Easing
Shadow Banking, Liquidity Requirements, Regulatory Arbitrage, Liquidity Shortage, Search and Matching
bank innovation, economic growth
Loan Guarantees, Multipliers, Information Production, Financial Crises, Debt Swaps
Safety Premium, Network, Financial Contagion, Collateral, Multiple Equilibria
Liquidity Shortage; Fiscal Policy; Banking; Fiat Money; Side Trades
Blockchain, Proof-of-Work, Bitcoin, Hashrate, Miner, Transaction Fee
Financial Market Efficiency and the Governance Role of Government
Government Control, Internal Governance, External Governance, Short Selling, SOEs
Blockchain, Proof-of-Work, Bitcoin, Hashrate, Transaction Fee