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CUNY Brooklyn College
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Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, greed, self-interest, Hillel, Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, employee engagement, maximizing shareholder value, c factor, creativity, diversity
Public Benefit Companies, Tax Ethics, Multinational Companies, Corporate Governance, Corporate Transparency, Financial Reporting
Hewlett-Packard, internal controls, tone at the top, mergers & acquisitions, corporate governance, Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO
Accounting changes, pro-forma, acquisitions, prospective, retrospective, organic growth
Skills, liberal arts education, college majors, critical thinking, adaptability, communication skills, creative thinking, collaboration, curiosity, life-long learning, and character.
Skills, learning outcomes, college majors, liberal arts education, critical thinking, adaptability, communication skills.
Participatory budgeting, state and local governments, transparency, open budgets, open governments, citizen’s budgets, International Budget Project
Leverage Ratio, Supplemental Leverage Ratio, Credit Derivatives, Basel III, Notional Value, London Whale, Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFI)
Bank Accounting, Derivatives, Credit Derivatives, Level 2, Fair Values, Maximum Notional Payouts, London Whale
COSO, internal controls, setting the tone at the top, leadership, defining moment in leadership, biblical leaders, Bible, control environment, etthics, integrity
Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, ethics, honor, happiness, wisdom, prosperity, and societal improvement
SRISK, systemic risk, systemically important financial institutions (SIFI), book values, market values, accounting conservatism, Basel III, supplementary leverage ratio, credit derivatives
Accounting education, 4Cs, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Character
Participatory Budgeting, State Budgets, Budget Crisis, Underfunded Pensions, Transparency, Richard Ravitch
Spirituality, maximizing shareholder value, creativity, accounting ethics, satisficing
Book of Ruth, leadership, xenophobia, corporate philanthropy, care ethics, conscious capitalism
Substance over Form, faithful representation, conceptual framework
Accounting pedagogy, Intermediate Accounting, case-based learning, backward design, team-based learning, assessment, creativity in accounting
Abrahamic Justice, civil religion, corporate tax avoidance, distributive justice, integrated reporting, justice as fairness, Maimonides, spirit of the law
Abrahamic Justice, Civil religion, Corporate tax avoidance, Distributive justice, Integrated reporting, Justice as fairness, Maimonides, Spirit of the law
Iggul, 247-year cycle, Nachshon, Jewish calendar
codes of ethics, value-driven ethics, spirit of law, ways of peace, pleasantness, Talmud, Torah
Assessment, Business Ethics, AACSB, Ethical Awareness, Ethical Sensitivity, Empathy, Case Method
Reasonable choice, spirituality, creativity, accounting estimates, social solidarity, activist investors, Catholic social teaching
CPA License, Teaching of Accounting, New York State Law
Aderet, Rashba, tax ethics, Spain, Aragon, Catalonia, Barcelona, Aragon, wealth tax, exit tax, substance over form, responsa, Judge Learned Hand
Coronavirus; Sabbatical year; earth rest
Maimonides, astronomy, calendar, Savasorda, Nachmanides, Barcelona, Bede
Maimonides, astronomy, calendar
Maimonides, elliptical orbits, 360 degrees of zodiac, deferents and epicycles, longitude and latitude, Ptolemy Geography, Jewish chronology JEL Classification: z12
Maimonides, Jewish Calendar, Rosh Hashanah, postponements, Molad Zaken, visibility, synodic month
Maimonides, Synodic month, Julian year, Metonic cycle, Molad Bahrad
Maimonides, Jewish Calendar, 14 Jewish years, full and deficient months
Maimonides, astronomy, calendar, azimuth, latitude, Early Christians, kalend, kalo
Tekufat Shmuel (the Julian year): A Modern Commentary to Maimonides הלכות קידוש החודש Chapter 10
Maimonides, Tekufat Shmuel, Julian year, Metonic cycle, Tekufat Nisan, 28-year cycle, Easter Computus
Maimonides, astronomy, calendar, waxing moon, azimuth, crescent, latitude, declination