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Regent University - School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
Customary Law, Evidence, Uganda, Mifumi
Legal Ethics, Legal Professionalism, Uganda, Attorney Client Relationship
Special Education, Uganda, Persons with Disabilities
Child Sacrifice, Children's Rights, Uganda, Confronting Child Sacrifice in Uganda: A Multi-Layered View
Legal Ethics, Professionalism, Uganda, Admission to Legal Practice, Unauthorized Practice of Law, Legal Specialization
International Humanitarian Law, Christian, Augustine, Luther
Constitutionalism, Uganda, Aversive Constitutionalism, Preemptive Constitutionalism
Customary law, recording customary law, colonial codification, colonialism, post-colonialism, semi-autonomous social field, legal anthropology; legal pluralism, Kabaka, Uganda, Buganda, Baganda, Mukono District
Customary Law, Persons with Disabilities, Legal Pluralism, Legal Anthropology, Human Rights, Uganda
Justice, Uganda, NGO's, What We Meant for Good
Rule of Law, Africa, Tipping Point, Legal Pluralism
Legal Ethics, Redeeming Law, Uganda
Sentencing Guidelines, Uganda, Sentencing Reform, Plea Bargaining
Uganda Christian University, Legal Education, Justice