Discounting and Divergence of Opinion

31 Pages Posted: 13 Jul 2007 Last revised: 11 Jun 2009

See all articles by Elyes Jouini

Elyes Jouini

Univ. Paris Dauphine - CEREMADE

Clotilde Napp

CNRS and Université Paris-Dauphine ; IZA

Jean-Michel Marin


Date Written: June 18, 2007


The objective of this paper is to adopt a general equilibrium model and determine the socially efficient discount factor, risk free rate and discount rate when there are heterogeneous anticipations about the growth of the economy as well as heterogeneous time preference rates. Among others we tackle the following questions. Is the socially efficient discount factor an arithmetic average of the individual subjectively anticipated discount factors‘ More generally, can the Arrow-Debreu prices, the risk free rates, the subjectively expected socially efficient discount factors and discount rates be obtained as an average of the individual subjectively anticipated ones‘ Can beliefs dispersion be analyzed as a sort of additional risk or uncertainty leading to possibly lower discount rates‘ Is it socially efficient, when diversity of opinion is taken into account, to reduce the discount rate per year for more distant horizons‘ If so, what is the trajectory of the decline‘

Suggested Citation

Jouini, Elyes and Napp, Clotilde and Marin, Jean-Michel, Discounting and Divergence of Opinion (June 18, 2007). Available at SSRN: or

Elyes Jouini (Contact Author)

Univ. Paris Dauphine - CEREMADE ( email )

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Clotilde Napp

CNRS and Université Paris-Dauphine ( email )

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IZA ( email )

Jean-Michel Marin


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