Nuclear Power Plants Close to International Borders and Neighbor Protection Under International Environmental Law - The Temelin Dispute Enters into a New Round (Grenznahe Atomkraftwerke und umweltvölkerrechtlicher Nachbarschutz - Der Temelin-Streit geht in eine neue Runde)
Posted: 7 Aug 2007 Last revised: 18 Jan 2014
Date Written: August 4, 2007
The nuclear power plant in Temelin, Czech Republic, which is located only approximately 50 km from the Austrian and German borders has been the source of a longstanding and at times bitter dispute between the Czech Republic and Austria. It is far from unusual that nuclear power plants are located in border areas in order to reduce the risks for the own population in case of disaster and nuclear fallout. In this paper we investigate whether international law allows for the construction of nuclear power plants at international borders and how neighboring states' interests can be taken into account properly.
Keywords: environment, nuclear, power, border, electricity, international, law, Austria, Czech, republic, atomic, radioactive, safety, transboundary, harm
JEL Classification: K32, K33
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation