Health and Civil War in Rural Burundi
MICROCON Research Working Paper No. 5
52 Pages Posted: 17 Aug 2007
There are 2 versions of this paper
Health and Civil War in Rural Burundi
Health and Civil War in Rural Burundi
Date Written: April 2008
We combine household survey data with event data on the timing and location of armed conflicts to examine the impact of Burundi's civil war on children's health status. The identification strategy exploits exogenous variation in the war's timing across provinces and the exposure of children's birth cohorts to the fighting. After controlling for province of residence, birth cohort, individual and household characteristics, and province-specific time trends, we find an additional month of war exposure decreases children's height for age z-scores by 0.047 standard deviations compared to non-exposed children. The effect is robust to specifications exploiting alternative sources of exogenous variation.
Keywords: child health, economic shocks, stunting, Africa, civil war
JEL Classification: I12, J13, O12
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
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