Transforming Media Markets: The Cases of Malaysia and Singapore
Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 103-118, 2007
17 Pages Posted: 6 Nov 2007
This paper examines contemporary transformations in media markets in Malaysia and Singapore. In both countries, dominant models of 'old' media-government relations are being contested by the emergence of 'new' online and independent media. Our analysis is grounded in new institutional approaches towards the study of news media and political communication. We argue that while legislation and law, in particular defamation law, and informal and formal organisational relations influence the possibility of public debate through the media, internet-based media are emerging as a potentially critical new voice in journalism in both countries. At the same time, analyses of these potentials need to avoid technological determinism. Rather, there is a need to examine the social, political and economic contexts, and the media markets, in which the technologies are emerging.
Keywords: Media markets, defamation law, new media, Malaysia, Singapore
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