Civil War Without End: The Sociology and Synergy of Law and History [Book Review of Brandwein's 'Reconstructing Reconstruction']
University of Illinois Law Review, Vol. 2001, No. 2, p. 629, 2001
H-Law, American Society for Legal History, September 2000
7 Pages Posted: 7 Nov 2007 Last revised: 8 May 2010
Professor Wildenthal reviews Professor Pamela Brandwein's book, "Reconstructing Reconstruction: The Supreme Court and the Production of Historical Truth" (Duke University Press, 1999).
The review praises the perceptive and groundbreaking contribution that Brandwein, a sociologist, has made to the understanding of several crucially important episodes of American constitutional history. Brandwein primarily focuses on the long-running debate over the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment, including whether it is properly construed to incorporate or apply the Bill of Rights to the states.
Keywords: Fourteenth Amendment, Bill of Rights, Civil War, slavery, Reconstruction, Thirteenth Amendment, voting rights, apportionment, Charles Fairman, William Winslow Crosskey, Pamela Brandwein
JEL Classification: K10
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