How are Statistical Journals Linked: A Network Analysis

19 Pages Posted: 21 Apr 2008

See all articles by Alberto Baccini

Alberto Baccini

University of Siena; University of Siena - Dipartimento di Economia Politica

Lucio Barabesi

University of Siena

Marzia Marcheselli

University of Siena - Department of Quantitative Methods

Date Written: April 18, 2008


The exploratory analysis developed in this paper relies on the hypothesis that each editor possesses some power in the definition of the editorial policy of her journal. Consequently if the same scholar sits on the board of two journals, those journals could have some common elements in their editorial policies. The proximity of the editorial policies of two scientific journals can be assessed by the number of common editors sitting on their boards. A database of all editors of the journals classified as "Statistics & Probability" in the Journal of Citation Report by ISI-Thomson is used. The structure of the network generated by the interlocking editorship is explored applying the instruments of network analysis. Evidences are found of a very compact network. This is interpreted as the result of a common perspective about the appropriate methods for investigating the problems and constructing the theories in the domain of statistics.

Keywords: Networks, Journals, Editorial boards, Interlocking editorship, Statisticians

JEL Classification: A140

Suggested Citation

Baccini, Alberto and Baccini, Alberto and Barabesi, Lucio and Marcheselli, Marzia, How are Statistical Journals Linked: A Network Analysis (April 18, 2008). Available at SSRN: or

Alberto Baccini (Contact Author)

University of Siena ( email )

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University of Siena - Dipartimento di Economia Politica ( email )

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Lucio Barabesi

University of Siena ( email )

Via Banchi di Sotto, 55
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Marzia Marcheselli

University of Siena - Department of Quantitative Methods ( email )

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I-53100 Siena, siena 53100