What Good is Wealth Without Health? The Effect of Health on the Marginal Utility of Consumption

59 Pages Posted: 22 Jun 2008 Last revised: 22 Dec 2023

See all articles by Amy Finkelstein

Amy Finkelstein

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Economics; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Erzo F. P. Luttmer

Dartmouth College; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Matthew Notowidigdo

University of Chicago - Booth School of Business

Date Written: June 2008


We estimate how the marginal utility of consumption varies with health. To do so, we develop a simple model in which the impact of health on the marginal utility of consumption can be estimated from data on permanent income, health, and utility proxies. We estimate the model using the Health and Retirement Study's panel data on the elderly and near-elderly, and proxy for utility with measures of subjective well-being. We find robust evidence that the marginal utility of consumption declines as health deteriorates. Our central estimate is that a one-standard deviation increase in the number of chronic diseases is associated with an 11 percent decline in the marginal utility of consumption relative to this marginal utility when the individual has no chronic diseases. The 95 percent confidence interval allows us to reject declines in marginal utility of less than 2 percent or more than 17 percent. Point estimates from a wide range of alternative specifications tend to lie within this confidence interval. We present some simple, illustrative calibration results that suggest that state dependence of the magnitude we estimate can have a substantial effect on important economic problems such as the optimal level of health insurance benefits and the optimal level of life-cycle savings.

Suggested Citation

Finkelstein, Amy and Luttmer, Erzo F.P. and Notowidigdo, Matthew, What Good is Wealth Without Health? The Effect of Health on the Marginal Utility of Consumption (June 2008). NBER Working Paper No. w14089, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1149335

Amy Finkelstein (Contact Author)

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Erzo F.P. Luttmer

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Matthew Notowidigdo

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