Legislating Advanced Directives for the Terminally Ill: The Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney
Neb. L. Rev., Vol. 63, pp. 776-809, 1984
32 Pages Posted: 11 Jul 2008 Last revised: 11 May 2012
Date Written: 1984
The exploding technological advancements and increased costs in medicine make legislative enactment of advance directive statutes imperative. Some legislation runs the risk of too tightly constraining individual moral judgment. Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney legislation together could create a synergistic effect that neither can achieve alone.
Keywords: Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Advance Directive, Quinlan, Constitutional Rights, President's Commission
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Jacobs, Lynn B. and Martyn, Susan R., Legislating Advanced Directives for the Terminally Ill: The Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney (1984). Neb. L. Rev., Vol. 63, pp. 776-809, 1984, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1158037
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