Toward a New Era of Intellectual Property: From Confrontation to Negotiation - A Report by the International Expert Group on Biotechnology, Innovation and Intellectual Property
University of Minnesota - College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences - Department of Applied Economics
Date Written: September 9, 2008
Intellectual property occupies a central position in the biotechnology innovation system, the expected source of new medicines, foods and bio-energy. An international and inter-disciplinary research team has convened for the last seven years in an attempt to better understand the mechanisms of intellectual property in biotechnology innovation, and to suggest improvements to the role of intellectual property in that system. This report represents the research team's core findings and recommendations.
Gold, E. Richard and Adams, Wendy Ann and Bernier, Louise and Bubela, Tania and Cassivi, Luc and Castle, David and Cleret de Langavant, Ghislaine and Martin Cloutier, L. and Daar, Abdallah S. and Delerue, Helene and Glass, Amy Jocelyn and Henry, Elisa and Knowles, Lori and Morin, Jean-Frederic and Piper, S. Tina and Dressner Smith, Pamela Jane, Toward a New Era of Intellectual Property: From Confrontation to Negotiation - A Report by the International Expert Group on Biotechnology, Innovation and Intellectual Property (September 9, 2008). Available at SSRN: or