Spatial Dynamic Panel Model and System GMM: A Monte Carlo Investigation

45 Pages Posted: 21 Feb 2009 Last revised: 13 Jul 2009

See all articles by Madina Kukenova

Madina Kukenova

Webster University Geneva; Business School Lausanne

José-Antonio Monteiro

World Trade Organization (WTO) - Economic Research and Analysis Division

Date Written: November 13, 2008


This paper investigates the finite sample properties of estimators for spatial dynamic panel models in the presence of several endogenous variables. So far, none of the available estimators in spatial econometrics allows considering spatial dynamic models with one or more endogenous variables. We propose to apply system-GMM, since it can correct for the endogeneity of the dependent variable, the spatial lag as well as other potentially endogenous variables using internal and/or external instruments. The Monte-Carlo investigation compares the performance of spatial MLE, spatial dynamic MLE (Elhorst (2005)), spatial dynamic QMLE (Yu et al. (2008)), LSDV, difference-GMM (Arellano & Bond (1991)), as well as extended-GMM (Arellano & Bover (1995), Blundell & Bover (1998)) in terms of bias and root mean squared error. The results suggest that, in order to account for the endogeneity of several covariates, spatial dynamic panel models should be estimated using extended GMM. On a practical ground, this is also important, because system-GMM avoids the inversion of high dimension spatial weights matrices, which can be computationally demanding for large N and/or T.

Keywords: Spatial Econometrics, Dynamic Panel Model, System GMM, Monte Carlo Simulations

JEL Classification: C15, C31, C33

Suggested Citation

Kukenova, Madina and Monteiro, José-Antonio, Spatial Dynamic Panel Model and System GMM: A Monte Carlo Investigation (November 13, 2008). Available at SSRN: or

Madina Kukenova

Webster University Geneva ( email )

15, route de Collex
Bellevue, 1293

Business School Lausanne ( email )

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Lausanne, 1022

José-Antonio Monteiro (Contact Author)

World Trade Organization (WTO) - Economic Research and Analysis Division ( email )

Rue de Lausanne 154
CH-1211 Geneva

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