Personal Insolvency Law in England and Wales: Debtor Advice, Debtor Education and the Credit Environment (Personal Insolvency Project - PIP) - Volume One

Kingston Business School Occasional Paper No. 61

134 Pages Posted: 19 Jan 2009 Last revised: 23 Apr 2009

Date Written: July 2007


This Personal Insolvency Project (PIP) research report is divided into three parts and two volumes. The three substantive parts are set out in Volume I and relate to the research areas of: (1) debtor advice, (2) debtor education, and, (3) the credit environment. Volume II contains all of the appendices pertinent to the three sections and the bibliography.

The three areas that are examined in this report first came to the fore as points for consideration following the publication of the BCS. It was concluded following that report that a further investigation into areas impacting on personal insolvency should be investigated. This report is a further investigatory exercise. In essence, the major participants in the personal insolvency arena and the causes of the recent upsurge in personal insolvency usage were to be investigated, thus hopefully resolving the extremely important question of: what or who is responsible for the recent upsurge in insolvency procedure usage? This question, inter alia, has been addressed within this report.

The three report sections include, inter alia, an examination of the advice function and general practices of debt solution companies (Part I), and an examination of the attitudes, procedures and approach of major credit providers to the law of insolvency (Part III). A resounding theme from the BCS was the lack of financial literacy amongst the respondents. As there has hitherto been a lacuna in English insolvency scholarship regarding debtor education it was decided that this should be addressed (Part II). There are obvious synergies between the three parts of the report. These are discussed in the main body and conclusions.


Keywords: insolvency, debtor, creditor, personal insolvency, banks, lending, debtor education

JEL Classification: K00

Suggested Citation

Tribe, John Paul, Personal Insolvency Law in England and Wales: Debtor Advice, Debtor Education and the Credit Environment (Personal Insolvency Project - PIP) - Volume One (July 2007). Kingston Business School Occasional Paper No. 61, Available at SSRN: or

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