Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones)

Le zone denuclearizzate, Turin: Giappichelli, pp. XVI-441, No. ISBN 88-348-3417-8, 2003

464 Pages Posted: 13 Feb 2009 Last revised: 16 Jul 2015

See all articles by Marco Roscini

Marco Roscini

University of Westminster School of Law; Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Date Written: July 1, 2003


Italian Abstract: La monografia analizza i quattro trattati istitutivi di zone denuclearizzate: il Trattato di Tlatelolco del 1967, il Trattato di Rarotonga del 1985, il Trattato di Bangkok del 1995 e il Trattato di Pelindaba del 1996. Dopo una breve analisi della storia della nozione di 'zona denuclearizzata' nel Capitolo I, il Capitolo II compara gli obblighi degli Stati parti dei quattro trattati e discute se i trattati istitutivi di zone denuclearizzate istituiscano dei 'regimi territoriali oggettivi' con status erga omnes che deve essere rispettato da tutti gli Stati. Il Capitolo III analizza l'ambito di applicazione territoriale dei quattro trattati. Il Capitolo IV esamina i diritti di navigazione delle navi e degli aerei nucleari di terzi Stati attraverso gli spazi marini ed aerei inclusi nelle zone denuclearizzate. Il Capitolo V esamina gli obblighi a tutela dell'ambiente naturale contenuti nei quattro trattati. Il Capitolo VI si occupa delle garanzie di sicurezza negative offerte dagli Stati militarmente nucleari agli Stati denuclearizzati attraverso la ratifica dei Protocolli aggiuntivi ai quattro trattati. Infine, il Capitolo VII esamina i mezzi per verificare ed assicurare il rispetto degli obblighi di denuclearizzazione assunti dagli Stati parti, distinguendo tra i meccanismi previsti dai trattati stessi e quelli previsti dal diritto internazionale generale.

English Abstract: This book analyses the four treaties establishing nuclear weapon-free zones in populated areas, i.e. the 1967 Tlatelolco Treaty, the 1985 Rarotonga Treaty, the 1995 Bangkok Treaty and the 1996 Pelindaba Treaty. After discussing the history of the concept and its role in the framework of nuclear disarmament/non-proliferation, the book examines and compares the denuclearisation obligations of the states parties to the four treaties.

Chapter II discusses whether the nuclear weapon-free zone treaties establish a 'territorial objective regime', i.e. an erga omnes territorial status which must be respected by all states, not only by the contracting parties. Even accepting this doctrine (which is however highly controversial), the book concludes that the treaties on nuclear weapon-free zones fall short of the necessary requirements to establish an objective regime.

Chapter III analyses and compares the territorial scope of application of the four treaties, with particular reference to territories whose sovereignty and responsibility for international relations is disputed.

It is also controversial to what extent, if at all, the four treaties allow the passage through the zones of ships and aircraft carrying nuclear weapons. Chapter IV tries to answer this question by distinguishing first the marine spaces from the airspace of the contracting parties, and then the waters over which states exercise full sovereignty from those over which they only enjoy sovereign rights.

Chapter VI deals with the negative security assurances provided by the nuclear weapon states to the denuclearised states, which are contained in the protocols additional to the main treaties. The chapter also analyses the problem of the legality of the declarations issued when signing and/or ratifying the additional protocols, through which the nuclear powers have set limitations on the negative security assurances.

Chapter VII deals with the mechanisms for verifying compliance. Apart from the specific measures provided in each treaty, the remedies provided by customary international law (i.e., countermeasures) and other applicable treaties (e.g., intervention by the relevant organs of the United Nations or regional organisations) are discussed in depth.

Note: Downloadable document is in Italian.

Keywords: Nuclear weapon-free zones, nuclear ships, countermeasures, state succession, objective regimes, disarmament, nuclear tests, radioactive materials, Non-Proliferation Treaty, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf

JEL Classification: K33

Suggested Citation

Roscini, Marco, Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones) (July 1, 2003). Le zone denuclearizzate, Turin: Giappichelli, pp. XVI-441, No. ISBN 88-348-3417-8, 2003, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1338131

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