The Chicago School, Hayek, and Neoliberalism

50 Pages Posted: 12 Mar 2009

See all articles by Bruce Caldwell

Bruce Caldwell

Duke University - Department of Economics

Date Written: March 10, 2009


In recent work Philip Mirowski and Rob Van Horn have made a number of important revisionist claims regarding the history of the 'Chicago School.' The claims involve the role of F.A. Hayek in creating the School, the reasons behind some changes of views of members of the School on policy matters, and the role of the School in spreading the doctrine of 'Neoliberalism.' My paper assesses the cogency of the various Mirowski-Van Horn theses.

Keywords: F.A. Hayek, Chicago School, Milton Friedman, Aaron Director, Henry Simons, Neoliberalism, classical liberalism

JEL Classification: B20, B30, B31

Suggested Citation

Caldwell, Bruce J., The Chicago School, Hayek, and Neoliberalism (March 10, 2009). Available at SSRN: or

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