The Performance of Private Equity Funds
Posted: 23 Mar 2009
Date Written: April 2009
The performance of private equity funds as reported by industry associations and previous research is overstated. A large part of performance is driven by inflated accounting valuation of ongoing investments and we find a bias toward better performing funds in the data. We find an average net-of-fees fund performance of 3% per year below that of the S&P 500. Adjusting for risk brings the underperformance to 6% per year. We estimate fees to be 6% per year. We discuss several misleading aspects of performance reporting and some side benefits as a first step toward an explanation.
Keywords: G23, G24
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Phalippou, Ludovic and Gottschalg, Oliver, The Performance of Private Equity Funds (April 2009). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 1747-1776, 2009, Available at SSRN: or
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