The Americanization of European Higher Education and Research

62 Pages Posted: 18 Aug 2009 Last revised: 30 Jan 2025

See all articles by Lex Borghans

Lex Borghans

Maastricht University - Department of Economics; University of Maastricht - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA); IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Frank Cörvers

Maastricht University

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Date Written: August 2009


Over the past two decades there has been a substantial increase in the mobility of students in Europe, while also research has become much more internationally oriented. In this paper we document changes in the structure of research and higher education in Europe and investigate potential explanations for the strong increase in its international orientation. While higher education started to grow substantially around 1960, only a few decades later, research and higher education transformed gradually to the American standard. Decreased communication costs are likely causes for this trend. This transformation is most clearly revealed in the change of language used in research from the national language, Latin, German and French to English. Smaller language areas made this transformation earlier while there are also clear timing differences between research fields. Sciences and medicine tend to switch to English first, followed by economics and social sciences, while for law and arts only the first signs of such a transformation are currently observed. This suggests that returns to scale and the transferability of research results are important influences in the decision to adopt the international standard.

Suggested Citation

Borghans, Lex and Corvers, Frank, The Americanization of European Higher Education and Research (August 2009). NBER Working Paper No. w15217, Available at SSRN:

Lex Borghans (Contact Author)

Maastricht University - Department of Economics ( email )

P.O. Box 616
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University of Maastricht - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) ( email )

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IZA Institute of Labor Economics

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Frank Corvers

Maastricht University ( email )

P.O. Box 616
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