The Composition of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Can Anything Be Learned from Swiss Data?

Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics

18 Pages Posted: 28 Sep 2009

See all articles by Rene Weber

Rene Weber

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Raju Singh

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Date Written: 1997


Using time-series tests, the paper provides evidence that fiscal spending can influence long-run growth. Data are examined on six functional categories of public spending (education, health care, social welfare, transport, justice and national defense) over the period 1950 to 1994 for Switzerland. Permanent growth effects are found only for two expenditure categories: education (positive) and health care (negative). In addition, higher spending on transport and on defense appears to exert a temporary influence.

Keywords: fiscal policy, public expenditure, growth, Switzerland

JEL Classification: E62, F43, H30, H50, O52

Suggested Citation

Weber, Rene and Singh, Raju, The Composition of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Can Anything Be Learned from Swiss Data? (1997). Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Available at SSRN:

Rene Weber

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Raju Singh (Contact Author)

International Monetary Fund (IMF) ( email )

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