Cultures of Collaboration in Media Research

27 Pages Posted: 8 Oct 2009

See all articles by Joe Karaganis

Joe Karaganis

Columbia University - The American Assembly

Date Written: 2009


My goal in this paper is to offer some provisional thoughts on the SSRC’s effort to build a “culture of collaboration” between academic researchers and the media reform/media justice communities. Broadly speaking, our program tried to make the field better at producing and utilizing research in the service of public‐interest policy agendas, and more generally in support of a more diverse and participatory public sphere. The centerpiece of this effort was the “Collaborative Grants in Media and Communications” project, through which we funded some 44 research partnerships between 2006 and 2008.

Keywords: media reform, FCC, media ownership, activism

Suggested Citation

Karaganis, Joe, Cultures of Collaboration in Media Research (2009). Available at SSRN: or

Joe Karaganis (Contact Author)

Columbia University - The American Assembly ( email )

New York, NY
United States