Small Firm Dynamism in East Asia (Special Issue)

Posted: 28 Oct 2009

See all articles by Farrukh Iqbal

Farrukh Iqbal

World Bank

Shujiro Urata

Waseda University-Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies

Date Written: 2002


East Asian small and medium business enterprises(SMEs) are examined in this journal special issue.This region is afocusbecause of its high economic growth rate compared to other parts ofthe world over the past quarter century. The contribution of East Asian SMEs toemployment growth andproductivity change, and theirresilience inthe face of economic shocks are also examined. (JSD) Table of Contents Small Firm Dynamism in East Asia: An Introductory Overview, Farrukh Iqbaland Shujiro Urata The Dynamic Role of Small Firms: Evidence from the U.S., David B.Audretsch Entry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Economic Dynamism in Japan,Hiroki Kawai and Shujiro Urata Technological Progress by Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan, ShujiroUrata and Hiroki Kawai Productivity Dynamics of Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan, Bee-YanAw Small and Medium Enterprises in Korea: Achievements, Constraints and PolicyIssues, Jeffrey B. Nugent and Seung-Jae Yhee The Evolution and Structure of Industrial Clusters in Japan, HidekiYamawaki Firm and Group Dynamics in the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector inIndonesia, Albert Berry, Edgard Rodriguez, and Henry Sandee Subcontracting and the Performance of Small and Medium Firms in Japan,Fukunari Kimura Government-Business Coordination and Small Enterprise Performance in theMachine Tools Sector in Malaysia, Rajah Rasiah Market Reforms, Technological Capabilities and the Performance of SmallEnterprises in China, Yueping Wang and Yang Yao Small and Medium Enterprises in Thailand: Recent Trends, PaitoonWiboonchutikula Small Firm Dynamics: Evidence from Africa and Latin America, CarlLiedholm

Keywords: Market dynamics, Firm dynamics, Economic dynamism, Technological change, Clusters, Firm performance, Economic growth, Economic development, Job creation, Productivity growth, Industrial development, Government-industry relations, Subcontracts, Market changes, Economic transitions

Suggested Citation

Iqbal, Farrukh and Urata, Shujiro, Small Firm Dynamism in East Asia (Special Issue) (2002). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship, Available at SSRN:

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World Bank ( email )

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