Non-Exclusive Competition in the Market for Lemons

71 Pages Posted: 18 Dec 2009

See all articles by Andrea Attar

Andrea Attar

Toulouse School of Economics; University of Roma Tor Vergata

Thomas Mariotti

University of Toulouse I

François Salanié

National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA); University of Toulouse 1 - Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

Date Written: December 18, 2009


We consider an exchange economy in which a seller can trade an endowment of a divisible good whose quality she privately knows. Buyers compete in menus of non-exclusive contracts, so that the seller may choose to trade with several buyers. In this context, we show that an equilibrium always exists and that aggregate equilibrium allocations are generically unique. Although the good ordered by the seller is divisible, aggregate equilibrium allocations exhibit no fractional trades. In equilibrium, goods of relatively low quality are traded at the same price, while goods of higher quality may end up not being traded at all if the adverse selection problem is severe. This provides a novel strategic foundation for Akerlof's (1970) results, which contrasts with standard competitive screening models postulating enforceability of exclusive contracts. Latent contracts that are issued but not traded in equilibrium turn out to be an essential feature of our construction.

Keywords: Adverse Selection, Competing Mechanisms, Non-Exclusivity

JEL Classification: D43, D82, D86

Suggested Citation

Attar, Andrea and Mariotti, Thomas and Salanie, Francois, Non-Exclusive Competition in the Market for Lemons (December 18, 2009). CEIS Working Paper No. 159, Available at SSRN: or

Andrea Attar (Contact Author)

Toulouse School of Economics

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Toulouse, F 31000
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University of Roma Tor Vergata ( email )

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Thomas Mariotti

University of Toulouse I ( email )

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Francois Salanie

National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ( email )

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31000 Toulouse

University of Toulouse 1 - Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) ( email )

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