Economic Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

324 Pages Posted: 28 Feb 2010 Last revised: 16 Jul 2010

See all articles by Michael Gasiorek

Michael Gasiorek

University of Sussex

Rym Ayadi

HEC Montreal ; HEC Montreal

Luc De Wulf

World Bank

Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim

Cairo University; ERF; CASE

El Elj Moez

LEGI - Polytechnic School of Tunisia

Javier Lopez-Gonzalez

University of Sussex; OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate

Selen Sarisoy Guerin

Trinity College Dublin

Peter Holmes

University of Sussex - Sussex European Institute; College of Europe, Bruges

Hammad Kassal

Al Akhawayn University

Maryla Maliszewska

CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research

Mahmut Tekce

Marmara University - Department of Economics

Date Written: December 1, 2009


This study on the economic integration of the Euro-Med region was conducted from December 2008 to September 2009 under contract with the European Commission (TRADE08/C2/C16). The study provides quantitative, qualitative and sectoral assessments of the impacts of the Euro- Mediterranean free trade area on trade and investment in order to clearly evaluate which effects for the EU and the Mediterranean region the partnership brought so far. In this context, particular attention is given to South-South integration, e.g. the Agadir Agreement. The study suggests future actions and instruments to be taken to address the weaknesses of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership focusing mainly on the most active partners of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA i.e. Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Israel (MED5), with a view of realizing the goal of a well functioning FTA by 2010 and beyond. The study defines the opportunity of pursuing additional negotiations on a number of non tariff and regulatory issues with a view to establish deep and comprehensive free trade agreements in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Keywords: EU, Mediterranean, Regional Integration, Non-Tariff Barriers, International Trade, Investment, Business Perception Survey

JEL Classification: F15, M38, P33

Suggested Citation

Gasiorek, Michael and Ayadi, Rym and Ayadi, Rym and De Wulf, Luc and Ghoneim, Ahmed Farouk and Moez, El Elj and Lopez Gonzalez, Javier and Guerin, Selen Sarisoy and Holmes, Peter Martin and Kassal, Hammad and Maliszewska, Maryla and Tekce, Mahmut, Economic Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region (December 1, 2009). CASE Network Reports No. 89, Available at SSRN: or

Michael Gasiorek

University of Sussex ( email )

Sussex House
Brighton, Sussex BNI 9RH
United Kingdom

Rym Ayadi (Contact Author)

HEC Montreal ( email )

3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec H2X 2L3

HEC Montreal ( email )

3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec H2X 2L3

Luc De Wulf

World Bank ( email )

1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States

Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim

Cairo University ( email )

Giza, 12613
002-010-5376376 (Phone)

ERF ( email )

21 Al-Sad Al-Aaly St.
(P.O. Box: 12311)
Dokki, Cairo

CASE ( email )

Al. Jana Pawła II 61/212
Warsaw, 01-031

El Elj Moez

LEGI - Polytechnic School of Tunisia ( email )

B.P. 743, 2078, La Marsa
Tunis, TN 2078
+21671774611 (Phone)
+216717748843 (Fax)


Javier Lopez Gonzalez

University of Sussex ( email )

Sussex House
Brighton, Sussex BNI 9RH
United Kingdom

OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate

Development Division
2, rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16

Selen Sarisoy Guerin

Trinity College Dublin ( email )

College Green
Dublin 2
Dublin, Co.Dublin

Peter Martin Holmes

University of Sussex - Sussex European Institute ( email )

Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN
United Kingdom

College of Europe, Bruges

Dijver 11
B-8000 Brugge, Oost Vlanderen 10000

Hammad Kassal

Al Akhawayn University ( email )

PO Box 104 Hassan II Avenue
Ifrane, Meknès-Tafilalet Region 53000
212 (0) 5352376 (Phone)

Maryla Maliszewska

CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research ( email )

Al. Jana Pawła II 61/212
Warsaw, 01-031

Mahmut Tekce

Marmara University - Department of Economics ( email )


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